The White Yaksha

blah blah blah white man blah blah blah appropriation blah blah blah... black ... duh ... blah blah blah ... black ... duh ... blah blah blah ownership ... race and gender blah blah blah colonization blah blah blah representation, race, and gender blah bla blah.

social science != science

they don’t have much money?

Sister Rosetta Tharpe motherfucker.

tellers are trained to LET you rob the bank

unscrew the bulb

You make way less than 2.4 mill a year because you don’t do anything well enough to be paid 2.4 mill a year. If you were better at something you would be paid more and you would not be a brokeass sore whiner.

John Cusack is looking good. Is he making a new movie or something?

Word. Fucking stuck-up Jezbian writers wouldn’t recognize a witty on-point comment or clever apercu if it sneaked up behind them and pinched their fat asses. No cards on Valentine’s Day is what I’m saying, is all. You gotta earn that shit. Just owning a vagina is not enough.

Hey now... Jordan’s been tested enough. No need to do it again.

Relax cowboy, we all love your dancing ex-governor. Whoops, is that a Mexican crawling under the fence, or a rattler? Best get your shootin’ iron and plug that varmint.

I’m sure he would have been pleased to run a probe up your orifice.

so he invites me to go **** myself.

Shut up. Your advice is not needed. This is not an encounter group, you are not a therapist or a professional crazy person fixer. Go do something else.

Go away now, no need to hang around to the bitter end. I’m sorry you are nuts, deal with it in private. Everybody’s got problems, all of us will be dead someday.

I would hope there were some serious injuries among the trampled, otherwise it doesn’t seem worth it.

Fucking Krugman, citing facts and having an opinion. What’s wrong with the guy. Probably jealous of Sanders’ Nobel prize. Wait...Sanders doesn’t have one.

Oh yeah?! Well your mom drives a Mustang.

Well isn’t this just delightful. On a website where inclusiveness, openness to other cultures and customs, and acceptance of racial and ethnic diversity, are celebrated and reflexively enforced by the site hive mind, people are getting all judgey and racist. Swoggle my horns.

There’s a little poem my Mom taught me, which has guided me in this situation all my life: