real action against the man
real action against the man
Fencing relies on speed, accuracy, control, and tactics. It is not bludgeoning with clubs. If you deliberately leave welts you are a talentless hacker.
He also had several parking tickets, an overdue book at the library, and an early termination cell phone contract in collections. Pure and simple, that man was a dangerous thug. All of this was known by the responding officers (or killers) when they encountered him.
Zach is hilarious. He is very talented. I bet he’s really good at pwning hecklers. This is that ‘new’ comedy the kids like, isn’t it?
The Poltico quote in this post is confusing <insert Princess Bride reference>. If things are being paid for they are not donations. Trump related businesses are selling services to the Trump campaign.
My, my, my. Black folk sho am lazy. Even at a protest they just want to loll in a chair and give people the finger.
How about the men destroying cars, smashing storefronts, engaging in looting, vandalism, and the occasional beating? Who’s going to deal with them?
A Gawker-ish vertical would be the obvious solution, avoiding the hostility to us refugees and leaving the gearheads and sporties comfortable in their safe spaces. I suspect the brave and intrepid Univisioneers are afraid that such a vertical would become a target for lawsuits as an obvious continuation of Gawker.
Finding the ‘gawker content’ is not a difficult process but it is a tedious and unrewarding one. Neither The Concourse or The Slot feature expatriate authors with anywhere near the number of posts per day/week that Gawker featured. Hamilton posts 2 or 3 times a week, Feinberg (formerly so fecund and febrile) almost…
Not angry, amused. Things that are more likely than you shooting a home invader:
You’re masturbating at the thought, aren’t you, Captain Second Amendment?
Hey thanks a lot Morocco. The First Barbary War (1801-1805) was fought between the US and four North African states: Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis, and the Sultanate of Morocco. Recognition is nice, but not engaging in piracy and enslavement is even better.
Don King is black. Don King is permitted to use ‘nigger’ in any context at any time he feels like doing so. This is the established rule.
Blah, Blah, Blah. They are the byproducts of many things, one component of which may be our foreign policy. You fucking simpleton.
It’s a 1000 Watt inverter so that’s the max he could pull out of it. Whether it would provide that continuously would be in the manufacturers specifications. He has several car batteries in parallel so he can draw max power from the inverter for a few hours at the most. You can approximate that from the typical…
Read more carefully please.
People who have their loved ones shot and killed are entitled to grieve and be outraged, publicly and loudly. The unjustified police shootings of innocent victims, black and white, is an epidemic which must be dealt with, and cops who act wrongly with guns need to be punished severely, not with a slap on the wrist or…
Yes, you can. Ignore the trigger, rather than ostentatiously wallowing in your emo pool of feels.
There is no grift or con too small for Trump. Real billionaires tend to swindle big, cheating on a grand scale. Trump is the guy who scoops all the free mints out of the dish at a diner’s cash register on the way out and pockets them.
All good reasons for choosing a picture. Except for the last sentence.