The White Yaksha


Fucking Larry David. I never liked him that much and now I know why.

I like how Jezbians feel comfortable about telling amateur host Terry Gross how to do an interview and what questions are permissible and which are not. And how they are totally unembarrassed by this appalling arrogance on their part.

Sisyphus agrees.

A knife is hard to use. Make sure the safety is off before you try to kill someone. Also hold the knife by the handle, not by the blade.

As long as they don’t start burning bananas this can still be controlled by swift and decisive action on the part of the school administration.

This was fucking inspiring. I look up to these guys and someday when I grow up I too want to be an esporter. Not for the fame, not for the glory, not for the thrill of accomplishment, but for little Jimmy, sitting in a wheelchair, polishing his joystick. Dare to dream Jimmy, dare to dream and dream big.

New pipelines never get old. There are never any construction or maintenance quality concerns with new pipelines. New pipelines are great, the best. Hurrah for new pipelines!

oatmeal soy lavender vitamin-infused shea butter fragrance-free hydrating soap stick

I love the “Shut up Brendan, you’re stupid.” He is of course.

Sacre Bleue! Le joke was obviously about rape. It’s a Jezebel tri-fecta!

Ej mi a ko! tyúkanyó, kend
A szobában lakik itt bent?

Picture >= 1000 words.

Neither is he. Learn to read fanboy.

Vroom! Vroom! Vroom! Vroom! I just want to talk about cars! Vroom! Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

Do you want to know about her bowel movements on a daily basis. What time of day, frequency, how much poop per poop, color, odor, consistency? The public has a right to know. When will Clinto start taking dumps in public for the sake of transparency?

What happens when you search “Fearless commitment to journalistic integrity”?

List of others besides the US & UK who have fucked up the Middle East: everybody else, including the fucking useless asshole middle easterners. Deal with your own shit. You want to blame somebody? Look in the mirror.

If Britain and the US took these refugees

Personally, I prefer to let the women handle the hard parts. If you know what I mean?... Amirite?... LOL?