...Austrian economics...
...Austrian economics...
Did Brenda have balls before weaseling her way onto Jezebel? And what did you lot do with them? Put them in a jar and make them the focus of a decorative centerpiece?
Thank you for your offer
Is that you Putin? Don’t you have something better to do? Bomb Syria or hack the DNC or assassinate your driver?
Nice strawman with the strawman reply. Try strawmanning better.
Thank God some things haven’t changed at Gawker Media since the Univision takeover. Brenda still writes false clickbait headlines and iffy posts.
The dog is cute, she looks nice. The vampire behind her is out in the sun, why isn’t he on fire?
Maybe in Fucking Moronville where you were born, grew up, were undereducated, and now work as Chief Town Moron 80 degrees is 80 degrees.
On the 15th anniversary of the attack on the Twin Towers we now have another 9/11 disaster. Hillary Clinton has pneumonia! This is serious for old people and Hills is oldish, she has been campaigning forever and she is tired, which makes it even more serious. She will most probably be OK.
So like a Jezebel comment thread then.
Fuck off Chelsea with your stupid interminable drama. You are yesterdays news and few people give a shit. I sure don’t.
They absorb farts better.
A ‘hard’ rubber mallet.
Sure but what does that have to do with the Bundy situation?
As someone who understands through hard experience how difficult precision movement in tandem can actually be, I must commend Taylor and her clone (friend?, bodyguard?, assistant?, lesbian lover?, shambling zombie?) for achieving matching slouched shoulders, skinny asses, bent necks, and weird dangling arms, in that…
why does she part her hair so off to the side?
He won the nomination fair and square and he‘s a conman, a blowhard, and an ignoramus. It is not just disagreement, it is the clear and objective reality that he is a clown. That is what makes him an invalid candidate.
You sound sociopathic. I vote that you be euthanized, but only after being soundly beaten with a rolled up newspaper.
Not going to read 206 comments to avoid redundancy. So something with: