
Yeah...I’m still on the fence, which makes pretty much everyone I know who isn’t a Republican hate me because they’re all pro-Bernie, but I feel like I want to do a real in-depth rundown of my OWN of where the candidates stand on the issues I care about before I cast my vote, but Gloria Steinem basically just made

I thought Steinem had outgrown this shit. I remember being horrified by her in 1993 when she called Kay Bailey Hutchison “a female impersonator” while campaigning for her opponent. I’m sorry a whole new generation is being exposed to her second wave attachment to this false notion of sisterhood betrayed.

I saw that yesterday. No, you were not taking crazy pills.

This is just a page out of the Clinton family playbook. See: Sister Souljah

Glen Greenwald is awesome.

Great article, I thought this section captured it perfectly:

(Sorry if this image is upsetting).

As Jeb Lund wrote in Rolling Stone last week:


tfw madeline albright calls you a sex traitor

I mean since R2 is the main character of Star Wars he has to know. I mean R2 is the only character to be in all 7 movies, he blew up the Death Star (people think it was like be we know the truth, it was R2's revenge for shooting him.) he had instructions to find Obi Wan and he is the one with the Map to Like everyone

Yeah I did a major eye roll with that. I can see using the fact that she’s a woman when it comes to debating about paid maternity leave, reproductive rights, getting rid of the wage gap and other issues that primarily affect women, but using it as a reason for why she is not in the establishment was some very apparent

Am I allowed to not like her because of her policy positions and a feeling that she isn’t really as progressive as she tries to present herself? Because honestly, I don’t. I’ll still vote for her if she’s the nominee (because oh my god may lightning strike me if I ever vote GOP), but yeah.

Krugman drives me especially crazy, as he’s spent the last eight years saying that all of Obama’s mistakes were trying to compromise too much and mocking those who thought that he could bend even further backwards, but is now saying we should support Clinton because she’ll compromise.

Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be

He will be re-elected/re-appointed in a landslide.

People are assholes so why shouldn’t our public officials be assholes if they represent us?

Because people are a bunch of whiny entitled bitches.

I wish people like you would get Educated. The British government just released a study that they did internally that says it’s 94-96% safer then traditional cigarettes. Every News report out there linking Vaping to things like popcorn have all been quickly debunked. Go out and search for the facts yourself don’t just

The British government and our NHS seem to think there is evidence, even to the point of declaring it 95% safer than cigarettes. I’m not saying for absolute sure that they’re right, but you might be interested in perusing the PDF of their report.