

I played the Demo at Pax last August, and the gameplay feels cautious and weighted like Dark Souls. Positioning and dodge rolls were key, unlike the straightforward hack/slash of the video. The video doesn’t really do it justice. Was my game of show and one of my most anticipated this year.

I played this just last weekend at Wizard World Portland, and I agree that the game play was perfect for this type of game. Definitely picking it up when it comes out.


Eh, I disagree. I don’t think its fair to assume that a title should have a certain amount of ‘speed’ based off its genre. Many games like this are fast because there isn’t much to the button combinations, its a lot of mashing. This title could be more combo oriented or time oriented. If thats the case a slower combat

You are right. This is about being pc and about a voting block. The poor whites, poor Hispanics and poor Asians all experience the same kind of harsh treatment from police as blacks.

Any white working-class Americans who don’t know by now that we have shared interests don’t want to know. The divisive propaganda is coming from the other side and has been since Bacon’s Rebellion.

And it treats lower-class black lives as less than nothing. Even at the lowest economic levels our society treats black lives as less important than white ones. Anyone who is paying attention can see this.

You undermine how shallow society is.

What makes them different is the fact that our society treats them different. That's the problem, and that's why BLM is important. It's also why ALM does nothing to highlight the problem: that our society values black lives less than white ones.

Well, they are, to some extent. There's a large overlap, but certainly black people have to deal with concerns stemming from systemic racism that white people simply don't have to deal with. I don't know how any reasonable person could argue that that isn't the case.

I’m a let you finish but, Zuck hates black people and this is the best comment of all time.

I think a lot of people don’t realize that, based on their stances on the issues, in a pre-Reagan-and-the-moral-majority GOP, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Obama would all be considered decent center-right republicans. Sure, they seem liberal by today's standards, but that's just because of how far the political

So a big part of my job is spent in some of the poorest areas of my city, which being in the south means they are almost entirely minorities living there. Most of my patients are routine transports (doctors appointments, dialysis treatments, physical therapy, etc) so you get to know them and their families after a

OMG here we go again. With the personal story of Clinton, the great sacrificer.

She was proud to support kicking people off welfare, which lead to a growth in extreme poverty. Probably the most anti-children and families policy possible. Then of course, war is bad for families too.

But we’re not talking about

Disagree, the comment only came after her supporters made the claim that women should vote for Clinton because shes a woman, not mentioning any of her accomplishments, even scolding women if they dont.

A terrific Republican politician, yes...

I am specifically NOT voting for her because of her record. And believe me, I have considered it very closely. While talk about women’s rights is all well and good, if a mother can’t feed her children or has to work two jobs to do so, if women (and men) can’t afford to go to college, if people are struggling just to

100% of the people who passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, enabling black people to have voting rights,and signed into law, were old white men. 100% of the people against it were white too, but there were clearly less of them.

Hmm. Nope.