
I played this at Pax two years ago.

Thank you.

The poor whites, poor Hispanics and poor Asians all experience the same kind of harsh treatment from police as blacks.

It is the clear-cut between deciding some people matter and deciding all people matter.

So give me the correct facts so I can make a determination.

Our society treats lower-class lives as nothing.

Nothing makes a black person “different”. In fact, they’re just like everyone else.

“politically correct” is a concept that places the comfort of middle-class persons over the ability of the lower-class to eat.

Awesome... the song is catchy.

This is about who matters. And frankly, “Lower-Class Lives Matter” will do more, politically, because maybe we can start recanting the “poor white” demographic.

Mental Illness is a cause of police death on par with anything racist.

I’m more worried about the white, upper-class individuals who want to tell us what we really feel.

He’s doing nothing aside from ensuring that we don’t realize that all lower-class individuals are under the same oppressive yolk. Making white lower-class Americans think their plight isn’t linked to black economic plight is the core of our current politics.

This is nothing more than the constant bullshit that white lower-class concerns are somehow different from black lower-class concerns.

I wish the left would embrace “All Lives Matter”.

So... nothing about MLK or about economic concerns?

I’m not sure what you mean “you’ll launch the same critique that was launched against him.” Who will I launch the critique at? Who was the critique originally launched at?

Awesome. You’re hiding behind POC.