
Yeah I kinda hate how much people are trying to portray vaping as the next big evil thing. It’s soooo much better than smoking, and an actual viable method of quitting for people who’ve struggled with quitting in the past.

It is pretty sweet looking. It’s not super flashy. A little understated. Slightly steampunk.

That moment you realize you are old. Men you had crushes on as a teen can be described as distinguished.

It is most definitely a tool for smoking cessation. No argument there!

No, there is PLENTY of evidence that says it’s safer, and people have been using propelyne glycol like this for years in smoke machines and no one thought it was a problem. AGAIN, the people that use it can tell you how it’s safer. Do I think it should be made more safe? And that there be actual regulations on it?

I think if you are already is a smoker, it’s definitely a safer alternative. However, if you are a non-smoker, it certainly isn’t a safe habit to take up. Saying it’s safe isn't true but saying it’s not any safer than cigarettes is just as untrue.

I can only speak from personal experience, but it seems safer, at least. I smoked for 14 years and had a chronic cough, constant headaches (probably from the coughing), sore gums, and my skin was always breaking out, but also weirdly dry. A few months after I switched to vaping, all of that went away. I have to hope

NOPE it’s not smoking. There is no second-hand smoke that might affect your health which is really the most credible complaint when it comes to smoking (but again, not vaping). If you don’t like the aroma, I expect you to also rail on people who eat spicy food, wear strong perfume, have smelly shit on their shoes, or

Nobody is disputing the fact that it shouldn't be done inside and around others. Just stop comparing it to smoking and telling us how awful we are for trying to not be smokers anymore.

It’s not smoking. It’s vaping. Vapor comes out, not smoke. I wish everyone would just focus on the fact that it has truly helped tons of smokers kick the habit. I smoked for 14 years, vaped for 1, and haven’t done either for 2. My dad smoked for 30 years and has been cigarette free for 2 years now because of vaping.

I don’t smoke, but is vaping really that bad? I’ve seen people do it and doesn’t seem to make a odor or anything.

NO, it’s NOT still smoking. It’s vaping. I agree that doing it indoors in a public space is still bad but it’s literally NOT smoking, that’s the whole point.

It definitely is safer, you can feel it in your lungs. Now, I agree that it isn’t “safe” but it’s objectively “safer”, EVEN with the propelyne glycol nonsense.

Fear rules the contemporary zeitgeist. I’m a liberal (and male), but at this rate, we may as well all buy guns! Fear dictates that all casual, commonplace exchanges between friendly strangers are now forbidden, thanks to the bad behavior of a deranged minority.

Yea, got to agree that in general sub men are the worst (but.. #notallsubmen). Many seem to have a sense of entitlement and totally do not understand the Domme / Sub dynamic, continually trying to ‘top from the bottom’.

Plot Twist: It’s been done for years but no one has solved the puzzle.

*Your* coping mechanism? Fuck you. You don’t have cancer, and you’re not even feeling anything from this, so it’s not a coping mechanism. Even if it was, that wouldn’t be a Get Out Of Jail Free card.

Not everyone is into the same sex stuff that you are. What you find revolting, other women may get off on. Stop discounting women’s right to autonomy.

They do if a report is filed.