
Although I really hope Capaldi stays on, my pure reaction to reading that Moffat is leaving:

I know...I guess her line of thinking is that it’s because she’s not a man? It’s true that her gender does grant her some outsider rights but....euuhhh....

Her saying, “I just don’t understand what that means” is one of the most establishment things she could do. It’s the equivalent of “I don’t remember” in Congressional testimony. I’m a woman and a feminist and I really would have loved to support a female candidate, but Hillary is so disingenuous and self-interestedly


That sounds dangerous. This only reinforces my opinion that people who vote against abortion lack intelligence as well as empathy.

Some of them don’t even have to hop on a plane. They just have to know medical professionals who will perform the procedure on the down low and schedule and bill the procedure as something else.

Seriously! And I know I’ve mentioned before that several years ago when I wasn’t quite sure about continuing a pregnancy I literally called up like 3 or 4 clinics in my city and shopped the thing. I asked for a price and how long til they could schedule me, and they gave me that shit right over the phone. AS THEY

In other words you’ve constructed a false narrative about Bernie that’s completely divorced from the facts.

It’s about the PACs. Not all entities that use them are evil, but they’re extremely problematic, and he’d be a hypocrite not to call out the democratic ones when he’s railing on the republican ones.

Why not? Their leadership has direct ties to the Clinton campaign, is that not a conflict of interest when endorsing a candidate before the primaries for the first time in history?

Don’t forget Planned Parenthood’s President’s daughter works for the Clinton campaign!

Very nice of you to leave out the fact that Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richard’s daughter works for Clinton and Planned Parenthood has donate to Hillary’s in the past (sorta to Bernie’s point about being apart of the DNC establishment)...but cool story.

They are pretty entrenched in the Democratic party establishment. That’s not really inaccurate or controversial.

The establishment hates being called out.

I think it’s poor form for Jezebel to use Planned Parenthood’s own website comparing Sanders and Clinton as evidence in an article talking about the three parties, particularly when PP has already endorsed Clinton.

Otoh, Human Rights Campaign rates Bernie at 100% and Hillary at 89%

“In hindsight, a few of the thoughts I shared, while well-intended, may have come across as more motherly than what they would expect from their state representative,” she wrote. “If anything I said offended them or made them feel uncomfortable, I apologize.”

Fun Fact: Adam Driver was also an Ex-Marine too.

Quite right, too. My GF is hypglycemic, so sexytimes w/o snacks is impossible. And really, who MINDS snacks?