

Marry me.

I’m suddenly REALLY turned on. And I don’t even like bacon! Nicely done.

I'd happily leave my mister for some surprise bacon

We’re both learning—though my tendency to get hangry has sped up the process for both of us

Hah, sorry! Interweb faux pas.


Hoo doggies! I wish more men understood the importance & the pacing of foreplay to THIS degree. Cookies for you, sir. <3

I always knew we would.

I think we’d get along.

You get it.

I get legit angry at my boyfriend if he wants to have sex with me without providing a snack first.

Tell me more of these war negotiations of yours.

Seriously, women need to fuck off on this one. Pick another hill to die on. We do not sit with our thighs/knees together, it applies uncomfortable/painful pressure to our balls. Our shoulders are already wide enough that you are not going to have access any space saved by having our legs closer together. Stop busting

She forgets sometimes. It’s hard to keep playing the role of Democrat, when in your heart you’re really a centrist Republican.

My favorite theory of Rey is that she is neither a Skywalker nor a Solo, but a relation to another main character from both previous trilogies. And given who JJ brought in to do a voice cameo during the flashback scene when Rey touched the lightsabre....

Exaaaaactly! Sounds good to me.

Nah, the people on the committee are stiffs. They want to see the tax numbers versus costs, so they can figure out where the money will go (probably Western MA). In MA, you can hold up to an eighth of an ounce and it’s treated the same as a parking ticket right now.

so what your saying is it’s exactly the same as having alcohol legal, people drinking in parks, liquor stores all over the place just without stoners pissing in the street or getting into fist fights on nights out?

Crime down in Colorado. Overdose deaths from. Painkillers down In Colorado. Tax money up. Less people in prison.