
However, and this is a big but, Jackie could very well be lying

IF her story was completely false? It was, right down to the existence of her assailant. It’s all out there for anyone to learn.

I’m confused. Are you upset that they wrote this after having someone made up an elaborate, fabricated story that had implications on the reputations of everyone involved? Because as far as I can tell, what they wrote is true. There are no facts to conclude at this point that she was a victim. That doesn’t mean facts

How do you not realize that desperately clinging to this is counterproductive to the cause?

Just because she lied doesn’t mean that her lies weren’t based in some kind of truth.

You really should read up on the facts about this case. When Jackie first claimed/reported to Eramo that she was assaulted, Eramo did everything basically by the book in order to try and help her. It was Jackie who chose not to take any action. Jackie then later told (a different version) of her story to a reporter of

Tell me, how do handle a story about someone who fabricated a rape story in a sensitive and graceful way, without calling that person a liar?

Once you make a bunch of shit up that puts people in a negative spotlight/gets them death threats, I imagine they are less likely to be sensitive to your plight.

It has come in handy as of late. I love BDSM stuff but after this I just can’t trust porn. There are porns that do interviews with the cast (LOVE those) but they’re few and far between. Luckily I can get off on sound when going solo, so people filming themselves masturbating is more than enough for me. I know where

I’m not sure what nutmeg is even arguing against. People release videos of themselves fucking all the time. People on instagram release photos of themselves in lingerie. I think its just kind of naivete about what people are really into.

Of course they share a god. FSM is the one true God, shared by all, all touched by their noodley appendage, regardless of their belief in That Most Noodlesome

I guess so

Oh, I hear ya. Didn’t mean to come off as combative, sorry.

Because unless you’re wealthy you don’t matter. Men, women, children.

Films from a year ago - or two years or five years - aren’t that affected by the effects of inflation. When you beat your competition by hundreds of millions of dollars, no amount of “but what about inflation?” is going to change the outcome. You need to go pretty far back in time for that to make a difference.

Everything is possible after seeing TFA. I mean, they seem to really stick to George’s idea of “mirroring”, history repeating itself, force ripples through time in similar fashion. I guess he sorta kinda was influenced my Asian philosophy in dealing with subjects like circular history and reincarnation and what not.

Fair point. But then have both statements. It’s also important that takes a clear stand and really spells it out in black and white.

But it’s so cute! Who wouldn’t love seeing someone on TV with this hat?!

A local Twin Cities reporter made a name for herself and became a national CBS reporter several months ago. One of her distinguishing features? Her winter hat. Reportedly, national CBS news took to calling their winter hats their “Yuccas” because of her. In other words, STFU Salamone.

Well good thing ‘dangerous sex criminal’ James Deen is finally behind bars so he can’t victimize more women with all of his legally admissible sex crimes. Stoya’s back in the news though, so good on her I guess.