
Hardly logical leaps. Controlling the Dark Side has always been deeply connected with knowing, giving in to and then focusing your own dark emotions. If you can’t do the latter, you may be strong in the Force but not in control of it. Also - bleeding from a huge hole in your belly never helps.

It isn’t bad writing. The film could have made it clearer but the extended writing (already reported on this site) .... spoiler follows ....

In the books it’s mentioned that the New Republic, going out of their way to show they are not the Empire, intentionally scaled down their fleet dramatically from what it was at the end of ROTJ.

This is explained in one of the books—Mon Mothma calls for a demilitarization of the New Republic following the treat signed by the Empire and NR. They had been capturing Empire capital ships too (which is why there were crashed SDs on Jakku—crash your ship instead of letting it fall into enemy hands) but kept only a

The wildly erratic nature of Kylo’s force powers seems to mirror his wildly erratic emotional state - when he’s got his shit together and feels in control, he’s stopping blaster fire in mid-air. When he’s just killed his dad and is confronting a traitor and this stupid untrained scavenger girl who’s already proven to

I don’t think what actually happens in the film bears out that interpretation, and that it’s a sort of romanticizing of Ren’s ability and Finn’s inability. Ren would have known from the first parry that the duel was serious, because not just anyone can use a lightsaber in combat. I think what’s unspoken (but HEAVILY

They most certainly will, which makes them regressive or reactionary. Hillary is the only conservative candidate in this race.

And I wish my Subaru was a Porsche, but things are what they are.

I wish she were invested in a progressive platform at all. All of the left wing ideas she is supporting (Obamacare, gay marriage, abortion rights) are fights that have already been won, making her a conservative (in the sense of maintaining the status quo) candidate.

I’m going to have a really, really hard time with this election if she wins the primaries. The only woman Hillary Clinton cares to help advance is Hillary Clinton. She is not a champion of women’s rights, and I have no faith she'll come through on her women's rights campaign promises. She's a carpet-bagging flip

Then her name would be Bernie Sanders.

You mean this toy forces kids to use it for ninety hours a week on an unreasonable deadline, abandoning all relationships with family and friends?

The solution to disproportionate responses by the government to persons of color is not to call for disproportionate responses by the government to white people. It’s to stop disproportionate responses against persons of color.

To be honest, I struggle with the fact that anyone’s life can be irrevocably changed due to some claims on the internet. I can empathize with the frustration that, through no control of your own, someone else can change the course of your life, and the conversation of your life, with no chance for your voice to be

Half rumors?

My dinner parties are for the birds. HAHAHA. ha. ha heh.

Remind me to politely turn down any dinner party invitations! :p

I know how you feel. I throw up in your mouth a little sometimes too.

I was very worried when Disney bought Lucasfilm as well, but I kind of like what they are doing with it now. The only thing I’m not sure about is the “side project” movies, like the Han Solo one or the Rogue One movie coming next year. As long as they can keep these at least close to the quality of the main movies,