
Yeah, that’s pretty different.

Oh totally. I’m self employed and I’ve thought about creating a little YouTube channel to teach little one minute videos about my field, and ultimately I realized I couldn’t take the inevitable comments and criticism.

I haven’t seen my cat in 20 minutes. Macduff?? Macduff? Why isn’t he coming when I call???? What if he ran outside when I took the garbage out? Macduff??!! Did he get hit by a car? Omg what if a coyote comes down from the hills and snatches him? (opens door to look. Closes door) wait but what if when I opened the door

The narrative allows for the interpretation of it being a crime.

Granted, I haven’t played it, but my take on this is that, after all the talk this game has gotten, if it were true “Coda” has had ample opportunity to recognize their work and step forward. That having not happened, they are either a creation of fiction or, at least, consenting.

I use men’s deodorant because of cost and effectiveness. Yes you can get a woman’s deodorant for the same price but they tend to be smaller and/or not include antiperspirant (which is a necessity for me)

Haven’t we known this for a while?

Yes! Thank you! Palpatine thrusted quite a bit in “Revenge of the Sith” recall he dispatched several Jedi in quick succession with that technique after he was discovered. Rey looked very Sith as she fought, whereas the saber-twirling Kylo Ren was very Ewan McGregor-era Obi-Wan.

Yeah, there’s a great pilot, and then there’s a pilot who can take out a dozen tie fighters in ten seconds. The latter is probably force sensitive.

Harry was ridiculously incompetent. He got through everything by sheer luck.

It’s funny how people remember to use “Mary Sue” whenever we get a GOOD female protagonist in a story in order to criticize her, but completely and conveniently forget about “Gary Stu” on all other occasions.

Has anyone in the media asked the question about “an awakening.” Snoak to Kyloben “there’s been an awakening.” The whole concept could mean an actual term for a force user self learning how to use the force because the force itself is teaching the user how to wield it.

I agree with this so much! I mean, if we’re going to accept that Finn can also wield a lightsaber with such competence AND have the best aim of any Stormtrooper to ever exist, then the “Rey as Mary Sue” argument falls incredibly flat.

I do know that was a thing. but I actually only learned that as an adult, since where I grew up is pretty forward on that sort of thing.

see where I make a distinction, is that if in a book or the like, someone calls something that was the thing at the time it was set in... it IS a “well thats what they called them

so your problem is with the now obsolete sexual mores of the time, not the song. I don’t have an issue with that, as such. but its important to aim righteous indignation at the right target. the song isn’t about supporting it, its about bucking it.

so since that oppressive system is mostly defeated now, why not

why should it be treated as such?
I mean its a matter of fact that its NOT about date rape. just because a whole lot of people are too dumb (yes, dumb) to accept and understand that in the context it was written, it had a different meaning than the same words would have now, does not change what it means.

he who


I suppose? Are any of them out there?

Wrong. King Lear is Shakespeare’s “Maddest King."