
Honestly, their enjoyability isn’t the issue. It’s their quientissential Star Trek-ness. NuTrek is sorely lacking in it. That said, I really, really love this cast so I hope they keep making movies. Maybe one day they’ll finally find their feet vis-a-vis STness.

Honestly McCoy and Uhura are vastly improved characters (which has more than a little to do with the actors).

The only one who feels like the same character is McCoy. It’s not a guy playing a different character or doing a DeForest Kelley impression, it’s a guy playing the character and doing a darned good job at it. Everybody else feels like just a random person with the same name. (Though I do adore Simon Pegg’s “Scotty”.)

I always wanted to see a Captain Sulu series, myself. I still would, but Takei is more a retired admiral’s age now and John Cho is doing the movies.

Yey the CJA Seal of Approval.

Revan is back and is the new Sith Lord #Kappa

The original format that won their audience and success was an eclectic mix of the supurb, sublime and the sorry. Outer Limits and Monster of the Week scream flicks, Star Trek 2 and Xanadu.

If they really loved me, they’d bring back Stargate in some form. Any form.

so.. they’re fighting the wraith from Stargate Atlantis?

“Instagram promotes exhibitionism at the expense of intimacy”

Also at the expense of personal memory.
Everything documented into inanity, there’s no room left for the intangible magic feeling of the moment, because for many, every personal action has been turned into the disingenuous facade of the moment.

“and when they do it is snide and still gender conforming”

So many people just desperately WANT to force everything through the snide/bitter/contrarian lens, they either censor/leave out or shoddily dismiss the cool examples that exist in the world right now.

What’s worse is that if such a story was done here, there would be a few commenters just ready to write that we’re only celebrating it because he’s a man, women have done this forever, blah, blah, we-already-know-this-but-they’re-convinced-we’re-ignorant.

RBG taking oath, Marty holding the bible. So loving, so proud.

It’s more of a commentary on the narcissism of many who post on Instagram. Very few great artists use(d) themselves as the sole subject of their work. Instagram promotes exhibitionism at the expense of intimacy: how many special moments are now paused so that someone can get a pic to post of it? Sorry, the thesis of

But... but these women aren’t creating art, they are consuming things. Are you really comparing writing Pale Fire to ordering a coffee?

Please keep doing that. Smile, say hello, ask how they are doing... As a Muslim woman I can tell you we appreciate that act more than you know. I’ve only had a few instances of someone saying something nasty to me in public but lately what I notice more is people looking away. They pull away and look away and the vibe

Personally, I don’t think genuine human kindness is anything less than awesome (yet realize that’s not the prevailing cultural attitude).

That’s what I’m saying! I swear, if Disney/ J.J. Abhram/ Who ever is responsible is using KOTOR as the template for the new Trilogy, I’m going to loose my mind with glee.

Actually, a “Revan” reveal would be brilliant. The Revan story has been treated with similar reverence to canon characters and much of the very specific reconning from high up has seemed to just not mention the old, old, Old Republic at all.