
She’s a “New Democrat” and specifically saw moving the party right as a means to personal power.

So by that logic having an Asian president or even a black president isn’t important?

Now playing

After spending the vast majority of my life living and working as an activist-fixer in severely depressed minority communities I have to absolutely disagree.

Also, you may be interested in this Storify that basically says all I think about using class- and economic-based solutions to racism:

And there you go affirming the cynicism I wanted to avoid.

Albright was misquoted

That is a deeply condescending statement. It makes it sound like they are interviewing her to be his secretary.

Just... listen to Killer Mike. He’s not a dumb person.

It doesn’t excuse the context it was used in.

So a quotation corrected attributed to a respected Feminist/POC scholar-activist and employed by another POC leads us... here? I don’t get it. It feels like you’re reducing everyone involved to their gender.

And the Clinton camp was the first one to run with “the other guy’s supporters are the wooorst” narrative.

Or the same kind of people who are internet assholes everywhere also make up a part of Clinton’s support? Like they do for Sanders and Trump and Cruz and Rubio and... everyone ever?

Its kind of sad to see things get so ugly within the Democrat camp.

Really? Because I thought Bernie Sanders was exciting women about politics more than any other candidate?