
We might need to come up with a clever name for generally-female Clinton supporters who dog other females for not supporting her on the basis of gender.

Same thing with the “BernieBros” where 50% of the two sources provided as evidence traced directed to conservative trolls.

Do you actually think that 95% of the electorate actually understands any of this? They don’t.

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She was never not “sold out”. Sorry for the double negative.

The problem is that it really calls her entire body of work into question when she reveals that powerful women act the same way as powerful men and that maybe, just maybe, this all has a lot less to do with gender identity and a lot more to do with wealth and privilege.

That guy is more correct than he realizes. Sanders is bringing people into the so-called “big tent” that were never invited, specifically.

I really believe this is all scramble because Clinton assumed that Obama’s electoral math from 2012 would stay true (and I admit I thought it would, too). “Women” were the specific demographic that gave Obama the edge in 2012, and Clinton took that demo for granted.

My partner counts Steinem amongst her shortlist of heroes and she’s pissed. Like, way to negate the agency of women, Gloria fucking Steinem.

Like the default being crying “sexist!” and doing every possible to avoid having to address actual issues instead of perceived attacks on one of the most privileged women in the world?

Regardless of anything else, the man who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women shouldn’t open his mouth on the subject.

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With all seriousness, it is absolutely, 100% about her positions, her record and her unwillingness to step outside of attempting to maintain the political status-quo as it stands, now.

Actually, at least as shown in RotS, C3PO was wiped by Bail Organa after the fall of the Republic. Chewey must know, but the only character (it was implied previous to Disney) who actually knows the whole story from TPM to RotJ is R2 by virtue of actually “seeing” the whole thing firsthand and (as far as we were told)

The sorts of responses you get here on Jez every time vaping is mentioned really get my hackles up.

Hah... you may want to lede with what it is actually about next time. Just a thought. You know, instead of a totally unrelated symptom.


I’m adversarial because you have constantly tried to tell me that my quitting smoking is actually a bad thing. I don’t, at all, dislike you for that. I want you to understand that you’re making zero-sum constructs from, at best, muddled studies. And that those muddled studies are the kind of thing I’d hope an

And I’m pointing out that the current “Party line” of the medical community in the US seems to dismiss good method studies and bolster studies with poor methodology. You are doing this yourself by telling people, without reason, that vaping is awful and terrible.

Are you kidding? Drinking from the bottle is one of the few things women aren’t generally looked down on for doing :)