
Pan seared steaks are my next project to really perfect! So easy... but I always second guess myself on bake times.

I don’t particularly like bacon, myself. I certainly don’t eat it.

Awww... your mister doesn’t ever think... “I want bacon... I’ll make some!”?

Lol! I cook... a lot now! She loves it and I have to find another activity aside from “cooking bacon” that brings out her best side :p

Oh, my lady is fickle beast! She’s the butch of my dreams, so focused on work and providing. She makes me weak in the knees!

Sir? I’m a lady! That’s why!

Honestly, starting with “please feed me now before I eat your face off” is better. Don’t make domestic partners guess? please? We do enough guesswork as it stands to make sure partners are happy.

How else can you keep up such energy?

First, never forget the element of surprise. Surprise Bacon is the deadliest weapon in any domestic’s arsenal.

The fastest way to my partner’s heart is through her stomach. With bacon. I keep her fed with plenty of bacon and she doesn’t picket my kitchen :p

You describe what almost everyone does and it has nothing to do with gender one bit. If other people need space you don’t require, you give it to them. Be it if you were resting your bag on the empty seat next to you or spreading out because you want to be comfortable.

When will we pass legislation to protect women against these clear and desperate assaults? Another day in America, another bird trying to kill a woman just for being a woman.

Right. Because after all this time the real benefit is to flood the market and make as much money for disney before they chalk Star Wars as a whole into a bad place.

Her policies make me dislike her policies.

There’s a part of me that smiles and thinks this is very adorable and wonderful. There’s another part of me that sighs heavily at the further externalization of identity. Part of the lesson is that having open heart surgery three times by the age of 10 isn’t normal and that doesn’t make her less-than. In fact, the

If she were raped at another time I think that is so far away from being our business. I bet she cries when she sees strangers discussing her personal life on the internet like she were an object.

I think it would be far more fitting to use the words of those who were victimized rather than to give voice to their rapist, doncha’ think? Amazing that those harmed by this were not afforded a chance to speak for themselves while the individual who facilitated admitted lies and falsehoods is allowed two sentences of

Jez is still giving a voice to someone who did more damage to victims of rape than a hundred rapists could ever do. Still giving this lying, selfish bag of shit a voice.

So even when her statements are proven false, we should think them as true?

The capitalist legal system is no solution to socialist issues.