
It isn’t “scorched earth” it is the truth. She lied. About everything. That’s the truth.

Neither is a prosecutor. But one of these holds a chance for justice and the other does not.

That’s legal. Welcome to why so many white men get so emotional about shit. Because it nets them millions of dollars.

Except when you have people like Jez advocating for never questioning rape allegations.

Every injustice is economic. From making women pay out the nose for birth control to minority ghettos where police justify their racist stats.

Uh. The blame is on Jackie for making this shit up in the first place. Not on the reporter who did exactly what people like you say she should do.

Yeah, my point entirely. You’ve made up your own mind far before any of this happened.

You do realize that Joyce’s work was at the backdrop of the “Irish becoming White”?

No. We know that Jackie is a bad person. That’s a big part of this. What encourages one to try to ruin people who have not done one wrong? That’s sociopathic.

My personal preference is that we never find out.

it is just too bad that so much of the focus in the media narrative has to be on the “Jackie is a liar” aspect of the story.

Oh! This is an easy one.

You seriously need an education in critical thinking.

This isn’t crazy at all. For some reason (*cough* pretending like rape accusations are always 200% true always no matter the conflicting evidence *cough*) Rolling Stone didn’t do the same kind of insane fact-checking that they do when someone like Taibbi writes against Wall Street. For some unknown reason they didn’t

I love that when a woman lies about being raped and the cause is potentially “mental illness” that excuses the insanely aggressive and damaging narrative she insisted was true. When a man is suggested to be “mentally ill” and is accused of assault or harassment it isn’t an excuse.

The sort of cultural conditions you seem to triumph are no more than allowing ourselves to be dragged to the bottom of humanity.

I want desperately to believe Jackie

They mean that even after someone’s story is proven to be untrue and a fabrication, self-identifying as a “victim” should still net you special consideration and a completely baffling assumption of truth-telling.

That’s the funniest comment I’ve read in awhile. Pretending like Ulysses is just some pocket novel you can pick up and put down.