
YES. I absolutely want a season 4. and 5. and 6 and....

In a former job I had to deal with FMLA and sick call absence management for a middle tier airline, and lemme tell you, they take that shit SUPER seriously. The FAA will fine the hell out of the airlines and the absence management company for improperly reporting (like $25K fines depending on the incident). Yes

Angel Olsen YES. YES YES YES. My music tastes are broad, but the only country i’ve enjoyed kind of meanders across the lines around folk-y alt country americana bluegrass tinged artists, but this guy, I like this guy.

My first thought was “Shocking”

I enjoyed 9 out of 10 episodes. What were they thinking with that Eleven episode? They could have done so much better with the Eleven finds her mom bit. Instead, they turn meeting her mom into a device to allow her to meet her “sister”. And how predictable that meeting this “sister” was a mistake, even without that

Nope. No no no. Most of the fun for me is running around every nook and cranny finding the hidden stuff. The running around is incredibly satisfying and makes finishing the game seem achievable. (I started playing it on the 28th and I’m only to the Secret Garden level because I’m terrible at video games so I play

They had one at the Wunderland nickle arcade when I was in high school (early 90's) I played it maybe twice, and it was the worst.

I always wanted to play that, but never did, because I could tell I wouldn’t get to play it for very long. It looked pretty cool though.

Perhaps they could make him pay a fine every time he violates the TOS. Maybe each infraction ups the amount. Sounds like a reasonable arrangement.

That’s not a punishment or deterrent, that’s a money making scheme.

Can absolutely confirm by personal experience.

Black pepper I can do, but Jalapeno is way way too hot.

Which is a classic tactic used by domestic abusers. They promise to get help, just as long as you don’t leave them.

The format and tone of American Vandal (at least going by the trailer) is exactly the kind of show I could binge. The subject would not be my cuppa in very many other presentations, but here it works. Big Mouth also pulls it off (pun only intended after typing that out) because it’s so plain with it. There’s a few

As someone who absolutely loathes FG and SP, finding them super offensive and disgusting, I found Big Mouth incredibly burst out loud laughing funny. It does help that I’m also a big fan of a large part of the cast. I went in with a bit of reservation, but that faded within the first episode. Well worth watching

The Marriage Plot was basically a masturbatory declaration of Eugenides background in semiotics. The whole story was weighed down with it’s overbearing presence and it was intolerable. It was like he was looking over my shoulder and going “see! see! I know that stuff!” I couldn’t even finish the book, after three

ice cream headaches are a bitch

Literally teared and cheered for these wins. Also for San Junipero winning writing for limited series or TV movie, and outstanding TV movie.

first off holy shit kinja fucking sucks super terribly when you’re using a laptop trackpad.