“Hold my keg.”
“Hold my keg.”
Roger that. I lived 17 miles outside of Fairbanks AK for 2 and a half years.
It’s like “Fight Club” for outdoorsy people.
I was in Fairbanks last year and we drove past the road that headed out that way, and the local I was with noted how ironic it was that so many dumb people misread the story and end up being another sad chapter in its history.
Yeah, his story shares a lot with John Allen Chau’s, the young man whose Outside Mag profile Deadspin promoted the other day.
Spoopy supernatural conspiracy in 3... 2...
Alaska is pretty easy to get killed in if you go in with certain personal attributes.
Hal Holbrook was the real MVP.
Given how unbelievably racist most Russians are--Pushkin, who had the same skin tone as the average Greek, might as well have been Patrick Ewing--that'd probably piss off Putin something awful.
Also a potato.
You don’t need it, Flagg.
Jeter never called or corresponded with either in any way, and indeed to this very day neither have heard from Jeter directly
There is a popular Russian version called Bear. You find a free bear on your local sidewalk and ride it to your destination. This program has successfully culled the population of assholes who would typically be riding scooters and annoying the shit out of normal people
Through a Dashcam, everywhere can be Russia.
What a country!
In Soviet Russia, Lime rides you.
Funny, that doesn’t look like Russia.
“flawless" perhaps in that he isn't dead, but still mind-bendingly shit stupid.
Upside- if THIS cheater jumps into a river we can make lamb chops