modern technology would be very different without the apollo program. look it up. worth trillions.
modern technology would be very different without the apollo program. look it up. worth trillions.
This is a good article, thanks for voicing it, I don’t know that I fully agree with the sentiment but I know I don’t fully disagree.
Man takes flight - 1903
How do we expect a majority to comprehend the greatness and necessity of certain pursuits when this is reality?
Always leave them wanting more.
I always preface anything I do in a public restroom by loudly declaring ”smell it and weep [current location or city]”
When you said “Grandmaster caught cheating in the bathroom” my first thoughts were of sympathy towards Mrs. Flash.
If there is compelling evidence mitigating the conviction of a teenage girl doesn’t it behoove us to speak about it freely? Isn’t that in the interest of justice?
I suppose it’s an attempt to respect the work of the people behind the documentary? So their time isnt wasted by letting you just read the entire contents right here on a blog? Since they did all this work?
As someone who had two family member commit suicide a year apart, this made me wince and laugh at the same time. But I’m fucked like that.
He was on the bridge, just stepped off to pee.
C’mon man, this year has been so Mets, why do you got hit a man when he’s down...
Dammit Brodie! The chair was just supposed to be symbolic!
Cano tried to swing at it, missed, and somehow hit into a double play.
If it’s peak Mets, the chair hit deGrom in his right elbow. Even though he wasn’t even in the room.
I question the sources on this terrible rumor. If a New York Met was going to throw a chair out of frustration, family history says it should have been Ray Knight.
Brav-fucking-o sir.
>>>If you find them funny, that’s fine. Some people have a bad sense of humor.
Ten years ago deadspin comments were only like the one you posted and nobody took offense to them.