That said, it’s not exactly Gravity’s Rainbow - I’m sure a reasonably intelligent person could get in the flow without 20 hours prep time
That said, it’s not exactly Gravity’s Rainbow - I’m sure a reasonably intelligent person could get in the flow without 20 hours prep time
I don’t doubt Lussier’s sincerity, he’s an open-hearted fan. And sometimes I think he has the right idea and people like me (sometimes) ask too much of this kind of content.
This blurb from one of the reviews claims that you can pick it up without any pre-knowledge of the other shows.
A crawl would especially be nice for all the viewers who have never seen Clone Wars or Rebels. Which is not an unappreciable number of people.
It would be kinda nice if this one started with an “A long time ago, in a galaxy fr, far away...” and a crawl.
It’s always someone else’s fault, isn’t it? Democrats should be marching in the streets in the millions. Don’t let a deadlocked Senate stop you from demanding change. The longer MSNBC-watching democrats sit on their asses, the more the republic burns. Where were the marches after Dobbs? Or after Jan 6? Or after Trump…
The 89% means almost nothing. The word of mouth is pretty bad on average. I know one guy who loved it. But that’s all.
Thisssssssss is Jalopnik 2023
...consider a dormant car engine light. It’s not emitting anything, but it still signals information: that your engine is fine. That’s counterfactual communication.”
It’s not an investment. It’s gambling. Gambling is a form of entertainment.
When the jackpot gets big enough to be in the news, I buy tickets. For me, it’s worth a few bucks to have the chance to win, and to dream about what you’d do with the winnings. Dreaming about $1000 isn’t worth a dollar to me. I don’t dream…
OK, but that “at best” is pretty awesome. Yes, Jordan Peele is the more successful of the two, but Keegan Michael Key is, by basically any measure, very successful. It’s hard to imagine Desus and Mero would see that as a cautionary tale.
I remember it being terrible and poorly received (perfect other than that though!). It must be Revisionist History Week.
I loved Speed Racer but I think I’m the only one and it’s definitely far from perfect. It is amazing to watch on an IMAX screen though, that’s a great experience.
Wait. No, no, no. You must not have seen it. The author eventually got around to declaring it all “fine.”
Too much “tough love” from Vin?
Do you read Jason Pargin’s Substack articles? He just published one that kind of hit on this exact point. White, Christian Conservatives are always portrayed in media as low-class losers or crazy zealots. He used to be an editor for Cracked, so his articles are always funny, but he makes some really good points about…
Eh, no, I don’t agree. Even the so-called “liberal” New York Times and Washington Post regularly run op-eds from “regular working class conservatives” or whatever. There’s a whole genre of reporting from the “heartland” that is invariably what some old boomer in rural America thinks about x or y. There was a Times…
Hank Hill, and even he had some doubts about his party affiliation, as should everyone.
When was the last time you saw a white conservative character in real life that wasn’t a world-class jackass?