
Watching $30 million go down the toilet will get a tearful apology out of a guy

Hey, bibles don’t kill. Fanatics do

Sometimes the difference between smart and smart-for-a-football-player comes right into focus....

Why? Why do you have links to every single thing mentioned in this article EXCEPT the show itself? Why?

Elite QB’s don’t retire in the their prime. They just don’t.

When even Gronk is smart enough to retire, it’s hard to hold a grudge against Andrew Luck

Keep waiting. It’s coming.

His social media advisor was looking over his shoulder saying “Remember: The Petty-Dumbass-thing always works on Twitter”

Here’s what I love about Jim Irsay:

My main takeaway is that Verlander doesn’t know the definition of irony...

They’re the hostile assholes.

Is this still going on?

Dude. Get over yourself. You are not a member of the Culture Squad. Put your wagging finger back in its holster.

Yes, booing a rich man, retiring before the age of 30 to travel in luxury around the world, is the same thing as racism.

Yep, no argument there. It is shitty and selfish.

Kelly, you are being disingenuous, and you know it.

The fact that I am getting shit from both sides really says all there is to say and makes my point very nicely.

Look, dude- your argument is with the guy that thinks the booing was cool. I don’t think it is cool.

1. I was adopting the fan’s POV...

I’m not saying it’s right. I’m saying it is understandable.