
Did I not acknowledge that?

Fine. You are BOTH wrong. Equally, if not oppositionally, wrong.

I think there is a way to thread this needle without throwing around words like “quitter” and “idiotic”

Typical football coach- smart enough to move around x’s and o’s and dumb enough to think it matters....

Hey, it’s not like he killed anyone, right?

While there’s no WRITTEN rule against that but, you know, baseball....

Maybe at the end of the season they can have a big dinner where every team gets a trophy and they serve cupcakes that look like baseballs....

It may not BE a slur- but it was certainly USED as one and, in that way, it IS similar to the “N-Word”

Trump may not GIVE people a reason to hate, but he sure takes away any reasons they have to restrain themselves.

So... you don’t understand hyperbole. Got it.

Leasing is an option. But I wouldn’t recommend it.

Do you not understand hyperbole?

You are correct...

The only circuit that could contain his talent

In a FREE country it could.... but in this country? Jabronis like the one in this article can’t tell the difference between a gigolo and handjob salesman.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

No. It’s not. 

Nate Silver made a hyperbolic statement about a chart that illustrated a clear and interesting fact.

It is called having a life ¯\_(ヅ)_/¯

1 Poverty is not mentioned anywhere in my paragraph...