I love her sunglasses, and her weird coat! Not sure about brother's baby-pajama pants. Seriously, those look like something my 6 month old nephew owns.
I love her sunglasses, and her weird coat! Not sure about brother's baby-pajama pants. Seriously, those look like something my 6 month old nephew owns.
I agree. Total shenanigans. Don't blame Venezuela for your bullshit. #cultured #travel #blessed
I have never heard my friend from Venezuela use 'retard', in any way. I'm calling shenanigans on Juan Doucheo.
Is Lily Allen an MRA?
And why do we have to base ourselves on what MEN want????
"We're all equal, everyone is equal so why is there even a conversation about race? What is the white people's version of intersectional oppression? There isn't a word for it. There's no reason for it. Whiteism. Pale-ism. It doesn't exist."
Calling someone out on their intolerance is not intolerant. That's calling an ace an ace and a spade a spade. Don't use that canard that is being used by haters who get called on hating.
I don't think criticizing someone for perpetuating systemic sexism is the same thing as being mean
Lily Allen is a fucking spoiled, marginally talented, upper class mean girl. She's insecure about her looks and talks a whole lot of shit about women that are prettier than she it. She also did that whole "bladdy blah, from da streets blud" mockney bullshit when she's the daughter of a super famous producer and her…
Also, basing a society on what constitutes boner bait has yet to work out well.
Lilly Allen shut the fuck up.
Was Pho a big meal in 1950s homes?
I miss every inch of Elliot Stabler.
I miss Elliot Stabler's forearms.
Of course DMX is involved. Who better to show George how to profit off a bad rap?