My youtube videos are repeatedly hounded by r/cringe users who seem to believe that I care about their opinions on my looks/ability to rap.
My youtube videos are repeatedly hounded by r/cringe users who seem to believe that I care about their opinions on my looks/ability to rap.
I went to Central High in Philly. There is a large Asian population. I was in the "N" advisory, all with all the Ngus, Nguyens, and other last names that sound like "W" but begin with "N."
lol, did you write a shitty thought catalog article a while ago? I read this and thought, "what a moron, who thinks like this?" But apparently you people really exist/
I was picturing something very similar.
Cat Marnell, the one person who makes Julia Allison seem fascinating.
Yeah, but Pig-Pen was just hella dusty.
Chris Matthews reminds me of my dad: loud, opinionated Philly boys with a lot of heart and a strong distaste for BS, and sometimes they talk over people. He doesn't always get it right, but I like him a lot.
Yes, yes, and yes.
I don't watch the show, but in reading the headline "dumbest shit," I was kind of expecting to laugh. Instead, watching that video just made me feel really, really sad.
I love her so hard. Every character is extremely well developed. I was really sad when I finished the series (the first time, well every time I rewatch really) because I felt like I was losing friends. That's some good TV.
I died.
Seriously. It would be cool if Gawker or some other site "revisited" shows like The Wire with recaps. I would eat that up.
White socks? Okay, but the photo looks like he's wearing mary-janes.
Sorry, but I have to disagree. American Psycho the movie is not nearly as good as American Psycho the novel.
Hipsters unite
Because TLC hasn't been about learnin since the 90s.
I was making a joke. People who watch Fox as news are screwed anyway.