
I'm a Philly transplant living in SF. I worked in the insurance industry in Philly and got "dressed up" every day for work. I like dressing up, but I also like the option of wearing casual clothes. In every job I've had in SF, I felt over dressed if I showed up in a dress and heels— the other workers (women and men)

But that's the thing— I don't see how being fashionable would stop someone from pursuing their dream. What does one have to do with the other? Is it because tech ladies are stereotypical nerds in North Face jackets? Not getting it.

I don't find him the least bit attractive. Seems like the kind of douche who would spill his beer on my head in a crowded bar and then laugh.

For sure, the logos are for boasting and nothing else.

Women in any field should be able to wear whatever they want, but just because someone paid an extraordinary amount of money to have lunch with a fashion designer does not mean that I will be impressed, or want to join the tech industry.

And they're both foreign and begin with "w." I just got overly excited to make a Rocko's Modern Life joke :)

I am dumb and confused wombat with wallaby.

OT, but related to the Zarin comment. I forgot she was trying to hock that crap on her final season. Funny that she got replaced on RHONYC by a woman who actually has a successful shapewear company.

*puke-flavored air kiss*

He's commenting on the masses, though. Commercial radio is just that, it's what sells. It's not the end-all be-all, but it's a good barometer of what people are buying/listening to.

It makes sense. Hip-hop used to be about something, now it's about nothing (at least what they play on the radio) and that is what most people know it to be. It's not rare to hear truth or meaning in hip-hop, but when it comes to the radio it is, and that is why the masses get confused.

*running to the toilet with you*

I hate that Owl City guy because every time I hear his voice I think "Oh god, Death Cab For Cutie made another shitty song..." but it's HIM. Why did he steal Death Cab guy's voice?

Oh I know, it's all recycled garbage and they're all copying off of each other. I wrote about how California Gurls is pretty much the exact same song as Tick Tock when they both came out.

Doi... should have read your comment first. Obviously, us Law&Order heads relate all things in life to past episodes.

Wasn't this an SVU episode not long ago?

Did she seriously just paraphrase lines from popular songs of the past five years? Ugh, thank god I don't listen to the radio, and when I do it's the jazz station.

"Woke up on the right side of the bed / What's up with this Prince song inside my head?" is the new "Wake up every morning feelin like P. Diddy..."

True, though he was quickly replaced by the YMCM shit show.

I love the old school. I want to help bring it back.