
Exactly, that song is all stories! Dopes... listen to the song after the first few lines.

Same here. Someone put "Bad Man" on a mixtape for me years ago, which piqued my curiosity.

Courtesy flushes are essential when pooping in stereo.

The Times piece is calling AHS a "miniseries." No, it is a regular series. GIVE AHS THEIR PROPS!

I think 30 Rock is hilarious, but I don't get the hype around Modern Family. It's sad that my beloved Ron Swanson is snubbed.

Amy Poehler is totally cute, and even if Portia wasn't gay I'm sure she still wouldn't submit to your BF's dad. Who judges comedy because they don't think the lead is cute enough?

Correction: American Horror Story was a freshman drama, and it got the most nods of any freshman drama.

Rad! He raps better than half the "artists" they play on the radio.

That kid is AWESOME. I want him to be in my next music video, lord knows I can't dance like that.

It's almost as bad as the IFB article on the same subject.

It's a meme. Get over it.

I don't think she consciously made a joke about herself. Self-awareness is lost on the Palins.

"I don't know what Syria is..."

"She highlights how trashy and badly brought up the Palin kids were. A rare portrayal of a politician's child, indeed."

I totally see it. Skinny, wild eyes, jumpy like they had too much caffeine. Punk rock sexy madness.

I hope she catches on, too! As a developing artist, it makes me happy to see outsider artists make it big, or at least get heard by a larger mainstream audience.

Sometimes it starts off as a pee and then you get surprised by a poop. I can't bring myself to pee in the wilderness either, and that is one of the reasons why.

I get the Marilyn Manson vibe, but I also get the Stooges vibe too.

There have been times when "friends" have tried to make me uncomfortable about pooping when we were kids, and I even dated a guy who tried to poop-shamed me, but it's never stopped me from going in their toilets.

Also, just came up with an appropriate euphemism for pooping: dropping the kids off in Leslie Arfin. You know, because she's white. And shitty.