My BF likes to take his time in the potty room (which SUCKS when we're both at home and I really need to pee), but he will also go at work.
My BF likes to take his time in the potty room (which SUCKS when we're both at home and I really need to pee), but he will also go at work.
I read about public bathrooms in Japan having those, so patrons don't waste water by doing the pre-flush to hide the noise. Makes sense.
Yeah, I eat a lot of fibrous foods so it's pretty quick for me, too. If I had to leave work for home every time I had to go I'd be in trouble. Taking the bus for a turd is a little too extreme for me. I'll go in any bathroom, but I draw the line at pooping in the woods. I just can't.
We have a pretty nice bathroom on the floor of my building that no one ever uses, which is cool because it means I can sing or talk to myself when I'm in there and it doesn't matter.
I might be one of the few people who poops unashamedly at work. I'm not holding these Westboro butt pirates in for anyone else's comfort. I know this article was written as a joke, but it amazes me how many women who tell me they never poop at work. My sister only does it at home. I think that is so weird.
There are such things as rationality, and logic, though...
Are the people of Alexandria getting their news from Fox?
He's the unlikely voice of reason. I have always dug the Bateman vibe, but I'm a creep.
Junkie was good, Naked Lunch and the others... not as intelligible.
I watched Failure To Launch recently and liked it in spite of myself. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is also really funny, and Jason Segel mmm :)
I was just about to say that same thing! I grew up and lived there up until 4 years ago, and would always bump into at least three people I knew, no matter where I was going or what time it was. Philly has at least 1 million people living there, though.
I wonder if that stuff is saved somewhere? Or maybe we need someone to create a program that lets you "unlock" FB and run the old school version?
Is that like the scenario where you put a bunch of typewriters and chimps in a room and Hamlet gets pooped out eventually?
I LOVED that Joel McHale made a joke about rip-offs of The Soup, and listed Tosh.0 as being one of them. Joel is adorable.
She seems like one of the coolest celebrities ever. Plus she's gorgeous AND has talent. I've been wanting to be besties with her since I started SVU :)
It's a a stock image begging to be meme-ed.
Just the other day I was recommended, by Tumblrbot, to follow a pro-ana tumblog called "Thinspo." What in fuck? Not sure how this even happens, but I clicked (to see if it was really a pro-ana page) and had to x out immediately as I felt the pinch of the trigger.
That part bugs me out. He's one of my favorite actors and I'd be more than a little upset if he had something to do with this incident.