Um, you sorta just prove the Author's point that women sadly put all there worth in their looks and the selfie is a reflection of that.
Um, you sorta just prove the Author's point that women sadly put all there worth in their looks and the selfie is a reflection of that.
This comment—and the idea that it's supposed to be a defense of selfies—makes me really sad.
I believe many—though not all—women who claim sex is just as good without an orgasm, and it's not the most important thing, yada yada yada, have had to convince themselves of this because the alternative is so disappointing and frustrating and the implications about women's sexual equality (or lack thereof) are…
Man, nobody gives kids any credit for being fucked up little monsters. When I was seven, my best friend and I elaborately planned and staged a scene in the woods to look like a bear had attacked him, and then called his mom over and FREAKED HER THE HELL OUT (OBVIOUSLY), and then we laughed at her. This is all adults…
Is this a Jersey thing, a Southern Italian thing, or do I just know some uber-feminist women who happen to be Italian mamas?
I don't wear mine because it's uncomfortable and the setting gets caught in my hair. I only wear it on special occasions for the most part. My husband doesn't wear his because he's a lefty and a police officer, and it gets caught on his gun. I mean, he's never had to shoot anyone, but when they do training…
This stuff about marital rape is horrible. I don't care if you are married or not, no means no. Very irresponsible writing.
My wedding band is too tight so I don't wear it. My husband has never said a thing about it. He wears his on a string around his neck. He's been out of town working for several weeks and I've started to wear a cheap gold band on my ring finger because I want to have that reminder of our connection. He has his faults…
I know. Her advice, or whatever you may call it is absolutely insane. I enjoy being dominated in the bedroom, but it's not something I have to do because I'm a tiny frail little lady with my tiny ladybrains.
Right, me too. But this is a mutually discussed and agreed upon fantasy, not something my partner at the time is entitled to by merit of being the man.
This is insulting to Chinese food, people learning to read, books with lots of pages, Amazon, and people who shave anywhere on their bodies.
I already read this book. It was called "The Feminist and the Cowboy."
Regarding the whole wedding ring thing. People can do whatever they want and if their wives don't care it really is no one else's business, but I always wondered how they would feel if their wife didn't wear her engagement ring/wedding band? Is this something that goes both ways? Or would they be offended if their…
This book and the idea that the only happy marriages are those in which the wives submit are the bollocksiest bollocks to ever bollocks. That is all.
So it's a book about Stockholm Syndrome. Ugh.
I like to get tossed around and have my hair pulled as much as the next gal, but fuck you both very much.
I guess nobody every gave her this book.
With all due respect, I couldn't disagree with you more. King wrote a story about a man self-destructing under the weight of his own demons and his family struggling to cope with it. Kubrick wrote a story about a haunted hotel. King's Jack collapsed under the weight of the Overlook's evil but ultimately redeemed…
You've been approved so I guess I can reply now. You'll have to make that deal with your own sex. We still live in a heavily male-oriented society. Those rules about manly men who make all the money are a product of that. Women didn't make them up.
You guys have to groom now, too, I hear. I've heard the young men now are very, um...coifed? But that seems fair, since women pay for things now.