
Yes, thank you. It's annoying when people crack jokes at my "pallor," but whatevs, I don't like cooking my flesh in the sun or in a booth, and I think it's gross to spray stuff on myself to look darker. And tans don't really look good on gingers, so I was destined to be pale.

Re: the Apple clothing, my dad had (probably still has) that Apple computer t-shirt on the left, of the John Lennon-esque line drawing. I'm going home this week, so I'll check if he still has it laying around.

Wow, this chair looks really cool. I remember seeing a vagina chair on Craigslist that someone had made for an art class, but this looks way more comfortable ( and you can hide in it! )

"Aquababe" is tight. I have so much respect for Azaelia. She's so young but she's really doing her thing! PROPS

*slaps forehead* Duh... Wow, I should get an F for reading comprehension in that comment. And I seriously just got déjà vu. Thank you, I don't feel stupider, though I should start drinking coffee again in the afternoon. I lose my edge if not fully caffienated :P

No, I never said that. Harassment is never okay. Her harassment has nothing to do with being an asshole.

WAIT. I thought that was a girl singing "Call Me Maybe." Oh snap, I feel dumb. Though I've only heard the song played twice— once in a antique shop, and another time when I woke up from a nap and Jimmy Fallon was on— it was a segment where The Roots and a girl were performing "Call Me Maybe" with acoustic instruments.

Huh. I don't consider Radiohead to be a band that adults want to listen to. I'll take old Smashing Pumpkins over any Radiohead album. I reserve Billy Corgan's right to piss all over Kid A.

Is this a reply to my comment, or GirlsCanTell?

I think what it is, is that we feel a little sheepish about defending her now that we know that she thinks tweeting out racist stuff on social media is totes hilarz. The guy who wouldn't leave her alone is still a jerk, but I think we're also reeling because she apparently is too.

Dude is still a tool, but this woman definitely sucks. I hope her 15 minutes ends soon. Must be fun to have 30k people telling you how "witty" you are when you're just being an unfunny asshole.

Wow. So they're both dicks.

I heard the new Bieber and thought it was a Timberlake tune. Boy grew up. Doesn't mean I'm jumping on his fanwagon, though!

I'm going to read this post, but I just want to say that the photo for this story made me laugh. At first glance I thought it was a pic of Jane Lynch from the 80s. I dig the earrings.

That image is so much win win win.

I'm not defending the people who bashed her on her looks, but Xiaxue is a very polarizing blogger. I don't read her site, but I have friends who do, and she seems to invite people to have a strong opinion of her, one way or another. Posting photos of yourself and unironically going on and on about how gorgeous you are

Lying D-list douche lies about being a lying douche.

True, and human psychology isn't as cut and dried as I made it seem in my comment. I have no expertise on the subject (because watching more than my fair share of Law & Order doesn't count), but I can understand how the cycle of abuse can be passed on and that type of case may be easier to rehabilitate than the person

I wish that were it!

I have similar hair. Red, super-duper thick, kinda dry, a little kinky, curly underneath. I wonder if I can do it, too...