Ah, I know! I just replied to your comment. I should read the comment thread before posting my own!
Ah, I know! I just replied to your comment. I should read the comment thread before posting my own!
Totally agree with your comment— I should have read it before posting my own notes on the SYG similarities.
I know. I just wanted to say "ratchet" in a Jezebel comment.
"should legalize murder and normalize vengeance?"
Ah, true. Thanks for clearing it up :)
Fiona Apple wanted to show The Flaming Lips jerkoffs how weird videos are DONE RIGHT!
I'm white and my hair is dry as hell. I deep condition it when I remember, but it's not a top priority.
Oh, Kingsley... Paypal is hella ratchet, though.
lol, I had the same thought! Please don't ruin Not Quite Human for me.
Race isn't genetic.
Yeah. Take that kid to a thrift store and see how well she does.
I know that's not me, but the screencap of the youtube audition video scared me for a second. My office at home has those exact blinds, and the still screencap kinda threw me for a second. Not that Jezebel has any reason to post my youtube videos on their site, but I definitely did a double take.
I think it's hilarious that she did this, and I do not blame her at all. I've had dudes bother me in the park or on the bus who can't take a hint when I put my headphones on. I probably would have done the same if I were stuck on a flight with this scumbag.
I think HeatherRose is trying to say if he doesn't know the difference between "too" and "to," it's likely that he doesn't know the difference between "interception" and "intervention."
haha! I remember my mom let me "steer" once, and I nearly ran the car off the road. Any wonder that I'm 26 and still don't have a license?
Ah, okay, that makes sense. I don't have kids, nor am I around babies that often, and the carseat vs. sling argument was perplexing. Thanks to all for clearing this up for me.
Ewww. This reminded me of that show about virgins waiting to get married to have sex, and that gross couple that could.not.stop sucking each other's face off after they said "I do." T
Well, that makes sense. I had some horrible visual of a baby resting its head against the steering wheel while chillaxing in a sling.
A sling instead of a car seat? For a baby in the car? That doesn't sound feminist, or remotely intellectual— it sounds stupid and incredibly dangerous.