I'd read THAT story over 50 Shades of Grey any day :)
I'd read THAT story over 50 Shades of Grey any day :)
I watched that episode of LA Ink where Kat was talking about her house burning down and her cat dying and I remember being pissed at her thinking she lit those damn candles and left the house and that poor kitty.
I'd snuggle up with Carter during the winter months because we're trying to save money on heat :)
What is your sister's name? My friend Jolene has a rad song about her name.
I was so with you on this comment until you mentioned pedophilia.
The GOP loves seeing things in terms of black and white, because nuance is too complex for them. Megan McCain, no one cares what you have to say...
Sorry, double post!
Yeah, I think what kind of turned me off was that disgustingly pretentious column for V Magazine. In it, she kept going on about how she understood art in a way that other people don't. It pissed me off so much, I blogged about it :)
I feel similarly. I loved Fame Monster, but was more annoyed than anything else with her newer stuff. Not as crazy about recent Madonna, either, but she has decades of hits.
Hmm, I wonder just how non-toxic this stuff is. I hope the option of buying bottles without this stuff is still on the table.
I had to take a screen shot from the video— it wasn't on google image! I remember the shaver starship from Pop Up Videos :)
I love that Jezebel's keeping tabs on RL Stine. Wish he would hurry up on a new installment of Monster Blood, though...
No, I think it was closer to the time Axl Rose and Ke$ha tag-teamed Beyonce after one of her shows in the Phillipines.
I'm going to read the article now, because I was inquisitive as to the meaning behind Questlove's comment.
I heard Eminem also bought Lauryn Hill's album so her kids could starve.
Where does it say he felt pressured to go that way with the artistic direction of his music video? Is it in the GQ article?
This is true, Fabio did base his career on his looks. But one could also argue that D'Angelo made a similar choice when he took his clothes off for that video. I'm not saying he was asking to be objectified (as he clearly resented having to remove his shirt during concerts to please his audience), but he had to have…
"...you could argue that there are plenty of male sex symbols who don't unravel at every catcall (although I don't know if anyone has commodified sweaty, forthright sexuality quite so intensely as D'Angelo)."