
“Voq is the Klingon who convinced us to ally ourselves with the Federation” seems kind of inevitable.

1 - toast is awesome.

Looking forward to the episode where Lorca goes “fuuuuuuuuucckkkkkkkk...” and it goes on so long that it veers into the subsonic...

“Hello, Captian Lorca, it’s me Voq Fandango, can you hear me?”

Right, and every single thing I write is still greyed out.

Sorry. Scared straight white boy says what?

Thought I posted this here, but it seems I did it on a sister site, so - uh - cross-posting?...

It’s almost as if Kirk and Lorca are two totally different people or something.

There’s a popular theory going around Reddit right now.

So you guys gonna let Bethesda_Sucks racist homophobic word vomit stank up your comments section or are you gonna regulate that shit?

Fuck the haters. I love this show. It presents the world of Star Trek in a very different package, but that’s much more refreshing than them doing a TNG rehash. It moves at a very fast pace, which I’m fine with. The characters are all interesting and consistent (Except for some small gripes I had with Saru in this

Yes, I can hear you, Clem Fandango, with your obviously made-up name!

“Can you hear me Stephen? It’s me, Clem Fandango.”

I had a lizard-man bard in Junior High. I imagine he sounded like Bob Dylan.

I had a bard in high school. Right around the time I started playing guitar.

Brienne is going to have so many suitors up north. Most of season eight will just be her putting on different outfits with Sansa’s and Arya’s help and going out with Tormund, Jaime and The Hound. It’s going to be The Bachelorette of Thrones from here on out!


I’m hoping Jaime goes before Jon and Daenerys to “confess his crimes”. He owns up to killing Aerys, and shows no regret, but also owns up to trying to kill Bran. Bran himself forgives him, allowing Jon and Dany to let Jaime join their ranks.

Ctrl-I, love.

Jaime is going to the good guys. That makes me happy.