
maybe they only let the tall ones fuck and the little ones get put in the soup

Not sure if Goths are the visual designers/coordinators I want on this job.

I'm still getting hate comments a week after I said the space bombers in the last SW were idiotic on every level.


Also, the reference was already made in the piece itself.

Or you could live in Canada

Let's see, check my receipts or move to Canada. Thanks for the practical alternative...

So, like a whittling?

one of the most tiring aspects of the site

“I’m wicked hydrated, thanks to TB12 wat-ah”

  • If no other objects can be found, feel free to use the large clumps of fecal matter rapidly accumulating in your underwear.

Great, now anyone who gets fucked up by a mountain lion just didn’t want it bad enough.

This article, alone, contradicts your post. 

If, On The Other Hand, You’ve Been Waiting All These Years To See Bobby Hurley Eat Some Shit Off A Basketball Court, Congratulations, You Forgot That His NBA Career Was Derailed Nineteen Games Into His Rookie Year When He Got T-Boned While Not Wearing His Seat Belt And Was Thrown From His Vehicle In The Crash,

That’s what they get for trusting someone named “Georgie Businsessman”

Seriously. Was a walking in memoriam around here for weeks and all of the sudden the corpse walks in like ‘hey, what stinks in here!’

You remember that Sunday morning, two months after dad left, you wake up and notice mom’s hair is seriously mussed, and then you walk into the kitchen and dad is making eggs like the past eight weeks never happened . . .