I would have also accepted CEBro
I would have also accepted CEBro
Hopefully the time he spends dwelling on his mistake will be pelican brief
You’re right, we should only let teams with UPSTANDING MORALS win the game
I agree that the person who should be most offended by all of this is Tommy John
What the fuck did Eric Berry ever do to anybody?
“Tricked” as in paid to sell himself, like how prostitutes “trick”
I understand your point but I also don’t see the Supreme Court rolling back clean water regulations. The President very obviously matters.
What if one of the recruit’s dad’s is the damn mayor???
What I took from this is that it’s ok to walk away from a five year commitment to Temple if your dad was the damn mayor
Note that the “school lunch director” makes $92,000/year (page 10)
Note that the “school lunch director” makes $92,000/year (page 10)
Are you serious? So this person is driving to the store and buying enough bread, meat, cheese, mustard, whatever to make sandwiches for “several schools” worth of kids?
Am I the only one who wants to see the Ian Power pitch actually written, preferably by Ian Power
Goddamn all these puns are super cheesy though
I have clicked on all of those reference links and it is still entirely unclear to me why there are six murder charges instead of three
If they were worried about kids getting laid out they probably wouldn’t be out there having full contact football practice...
Doesn’t the fact that kids are out here practicing like this actually PROVE that things like this will be a part of football in the “next generation”
Holy cow, announcer lady needs some voice lessons...
Maybe we can get a group fare