The terrible familiar

Here’s the best explanation I read somewhere:

As a lawyer who works directly on SEC regulatory matters, I’ll briefly touch on the legality side. In 2000, the SEC introduced a new rule, Rule 10(b)5-1, which provides an “affirmative defense” against insider trading. It basically requires public company insiders (and everyone named in this article would be

And they’ll still get massive bonuses.

The Matricksh

Yeah I remember watching that as like a 10-12 year old kid and thinking “well that seems kinda fucked up”

I wouldn’t worry too much about continuity in a game where there’s piles of dead corpses outside of every town (sometimes inside them too), and crazed maniacs respawn a couple minutes after being killed.

Generally yes you’re right! I used to when i was younger, just adult swim and toonami stuff like Inuyasha, DBZ, Outlaw Star, Cowboy BeBop. Recently, the only anime stuff i watch is Attack on Titan, Castlevanyia, and Ghibli films.

Not to mention his objectifying and often misogynistic treatment of female characters. They are enjoyable games but the dude has issues.

I mean, have you even played it? It’s actually a pretty fun and well-made game. But I guess just go on irrationally hating a corporation for doing what corporations do.

Eh. I feel like so many people are desperately hoping that this game is bad out of spite.

I’d wager that The Death Star was less a hive of scum and villainy than Trump’s cabinet.

So he’ll be happy when the Native Americans come from the reservation and put him in a crate and dump him in the Atlantic?

Whether or not they were pieces of shit (boy howdy, they were), Americans revere the Founding Fathers for the, uh, not piece of shit things they did, like creating the modern conception of republican government. I’m not saying we shouldn’t tear their statues down, but if we let them stand there’s at least a reason to

The founders were pieces of shit, pretty much without exception, and I have no problem with tearing down every likeness of them ever assembled. But it does not follow that because Confederate statues are coming down, all statues must come down. Even a very small child knows better than that.

i actually modded my 2ds to add a SNES emulator onto it, but i’ve never, ever used nintendo’s online services for anything. This thing is my play snes games on the toilet device. if that’s wrong, i don’t want to be right.

With regards to pirated games? Perhaps. With regards to modified systems and CFW? If local law entitles you to modify your systems then Nintendo is in the wrong here.

There is, of course, the rare person who bought a system pre-owned and had no idea someone messed with their hardware.

I Imagine this is far less common than, say, the person who modded their firmware in order to do something the system doesn’t generally allow you to do though. (Well, without paying)

Legally speaking? They **ARE** entitled to modify their systems in many countries.

I feel you on that, considering my favorite game on the vita was Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. The mobile console setup is perfect for fighting games. That $40 price though is heinous for minor updates to a 20+ year old game.

Here’s my thing: