Same here. I’m now much more excited about hacking my Switch. Want me to pay you for critical and expected platform features like cloud saves while you aren’t willing to deliver any value with your subscription. Nope. @#$% off. I’ll just crack your machine and do what I want with it.... AND I WOULD HAVE PAID YOU FOR A…
So it’s a new tax on the fun I’ve already been having in Splatoon 2 multiplayer (with P2P networking). Much of the user base will also drop off in September because of the cost.
Right there with you Acolyyte, though you expressed it better than I have recently. Kojima’s stories, characters, and environments all feel so juvenile and anime to me. I think a lot of Kojima’s “auteur” status comes from the fact that in a genre filled with silly power fantasies, MGS does something ever so slightly…
Republican terrorists on the hill. Never forget.
No. Fascism is more insidious now. Our republican leadership is well aware of how to bend and break the system to marginalize the powerless without killing them. They are scum and history will not be kind, but I doubt it will be as unkind as it should be.
Turn off the drawings. I did and it makes the game much better.
It is 2017. Down is up. Black is white. Ignorance is strength. And Street Fighter II is 40 American dollars.
Well... Jeff Gerstmann declared that. You may be one of his unthinking acolytes? He’s a smart and snarky dude, but he’s also a moody bitch.