Sweet Trav

Ugliest that most people know about? I’m sorry, but I never liked the looks of the Ferrari Enzo. I feel like it got a pass because it was, at the time, the “best” Ferrari. Compared to the previous F50, it looked like it was designed by Caterpillar, not Pininfarina.

Sorry one more.

The first supercar that ever made me have a visceral negative reaction was the Ferrari Enzo. It was terribly out of place from their usual styling and just a chunky mess, building on similar but less grotesque portions of the F50.

No, the ugliest is the Bugatti Veyron...and the most boring looking:

it would be great for the consumer to be able to pick and choose what gets updates to their vehicle.

I also want to be able to roll back that update easily if it breaks something.

I dont want any update on anything that i own to happen “automatically “ i want to be able to see the changes and approve of anything changing on equipment I own. 

Because you don’t agree with the reason for the protest doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t support peoples right to protest.

Whether you agree with the reasons, it seems like a massive overstep to permanently seize personal vehicles of people protesting.

Not everyone understands what a “principle” is anymore, unfortunately.

I think if the party and cause affiliations were reversed, people would be screaming in protest.

Nothing like “emergency powers” being used to take people’s private property without recourse.

Pretty sure Detroit metro area. Makes this take a little more confusing.

Police are arresting peaceful protestors, while the left applauds. Never thought I’d see the day

I’m all for the police arresting the protestors at this point, but this:

I dunno, I would often house sit for my friend’s family in highschool and they had: Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Horses and Goats.

Some of this I agree on, I guess. The lack of books? Eyeroll. Overly themed rooms? Do they have kids? Extension cords... blah blah. People this judgey are welcome to not step foot in my home.

I agree completely.  The gold plating on those guns is extremely tacky.  Everybody knows an AR-15 should be matte black, or perhaps finished in a light desert camo.  

Agreed. I have many traumatic childhood memories of retrieving eggs from a cramped coop while being bullied by a rooster fully half my size.

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