How does a doctor know if he is giving Viagra to a rapist or not? Better safe than sorry. Can’t have potential rapists running around with never ending mega boners.
How does a doctor know if he is giving Viagra to a rapist or not? Better safe than sorry. Can’t have potential rapists running around with never ending mega boners.
I’m genuinely surprised that Arkansas doesn’t appear to have ever had any doctors-can’t-ask-about-guns-in-the-home gag rules for legislation proposed or on the books.
Excuse me sir I see you’ve fertilized roughly 3'000'000 million carp eggs this season, we’re unable to move forward with this license until we get the alimony sorted out. We also strongly recommend you stop your relations with the aforesaid fish as many of the illegitimate mermaids you’ve sired are filing for damages.
You’re amazing, not only for this glorious paragraph, but also because you have Captain Janeway as your avatar (obviously the BEST Star Trek captain).
This makes me all the more proud of and fearful for the doctors that DO still fight to practice. I never had to fight a crowd of anti-choice thugs when I sought to terminate my pregnancy. But driving past a PP yesterday in my new neighborhood and seeing very young white women congregating with their posters made my…
Basically the law is designed to make doctors refuse to perform abortions because of the cumbersome, ridiculous, and illegal hoops they’d be forced to jump through. There’s no way they could run a viable practice and do this for to even one patient, so they just will quit doing them at all.
Same here. It’s just been a fucking nightmare for so long and I haven’t slept well since November 9.
It’s pretty exhausting, you are not alone in your weariness!
That’s what I don’t get. Like, and then what? Do we see if she’s aborted too many female fetuses? Then you have to figure out if she did it on that factor?
Thank you. *hugs*
So confused, and horrified, but let’s focus on confused. I investigate a woman’s pregnancy history and find out: 1. That she’s had 20 million abortions and one conviction for eating fetuses, 2. That she’s never been pregnant before, 3. That she’s had 3 healthy children, 4. That she’s actually a Martian. Okay, WTF do I…
I adore the Kill La Kill gif. I just watched that the other day, it was a lot better than I expected it to be.
I’m so tired of this stuff, guys.
I KNOW, RIGHT??? Watching several of his public events, I’ve actually felt the hair on the back of my neck tingle, all “Oh, there’s grandma (and to a lesser extent Grandpa)”. In my family, it’s one of my aunts who is The One Who Can Handle Them So Is Considered Totally Off the Hook for All Other Responsibilities and…
If she is working within the White House on matters related to her father’s Presidency she is acting as an agent of the Executive Branch and thus in a position over which her dad has ultimate authority.
While I agree with you, isn’t the argument that the WH is not an agency per se therefore it doesn’t apply?
How to break US law in three easy steps....