Losing a key player? How will Colgate fill this cavity?
Losing a key player? How will Colgate fill this cavity?
You can't just brush this stuff off. If you let kids bend the rules, they'll get away with more and more until the problem Crests, and then the NCAA will be plaqued by it forever
" . . . and this door leads down to a small, dark, wine cellar, which is also where MJ would occasionally lock Kwame Brown."
I watched that WHOLE Rick Astley video and didn't see the barely covered breasts in motion. I'll roll that Rick video again in case I missed it.
"This is cosmoNOT happening, this is cosmoNOT happening!"
This is basically how Portlanders react when you mention water fluoridation.
That is unique. I mean most centenarians are not Ace Parkers, much less operating a vehicle.
I bet that's the last time Sanders will bring a thumb to a bar fight.
Sure he's concerned for Larry. How embarrassing would it be to lose an alleged bar fight?
...because there are some dumb as white folk out there...no offense.
Of course it's a horribly shot video, Barry. It's the only place in the world where the videos are actually filmed with potatoes.
The only glass ceiling Incognito has encountered is the playoffs.
And that's also why it's humorous and even endearing when blacks called Incognito a nigga, and allowed him to refer to them as such in turn. It was a show of trust, of equality, of brotherhood. And really, that's what sports are all about.
I was always accused of "acting white" in HS and it sucks. For the life of me, I still don't understand how some think white = smart because there are some dumb ass white folk out there....no offense.
I can see where this guy is coming from with this "honorary black guy" stuff though.
"As one approaches the portrait, it's unclear who Giacometti's subject is: an unnamed peasant? the artist himself? No, it's Alberto's brother, Diego, in Scottish rags. The artist's intent is all too poignant: the drab, down-trodden filth swaddling the sitter only heightens the nobility of Diego Giacometti's position.…
The ship.
I don't know, Tim. It seems like that'd be a perfect place to raze your kids.