
Yes. NOLA has a small but growing geek subculture, but really, the roots don't go very deep, and they're under constant pressure from the economic situation facing young people in the area. You have transplants out in Marigny moving to town out of more youthful exuberance than anything, most of whom will leave once

As long as the game stars a pair of wisecracking, anthropomorphic animal detectives, I am completely down with this.

Really not thinking much of anything here, just wondering aloud.

Last year's version of divorce simulator Football Manager contained an interesting hidden secret: there was code inside that let the developers track the IP of everybody who pirated a copy of the game.

Fun fact: this is actually a Ford Fiesta that was sent through a spacetime anomaly to the other end of the galaxy, where it was augmented by a machine race and sent back to search and destroy organic life.

"Hi, this is Al Trautwig, I just wanted to thank you for your insightful nine part tweet about realignment. It really got me thinking and, with your permission, I'd like to use some of the points you made in tomorrow night's broadcast."

Can I have my comments displayed again? Because I posted an apology for my behavior over the last couple of weeks in this here DUAN.

We'll see if I get off of the shit list in time for anyone to read this. You arguments are like, 1 part good points, and 99 parts just balls-to-the-wall...well, I don't know what to call it. Yeah, Kinja is really not very good, and its current moderating system lends itself to favoritism. But to turn around and blame

"I shudder to think of a world where spam accounts can garner more followers than the real article."

Sorry, I'm done arguing this, because apparently it pissed more than a few people off. I'll let you have this one.

If anyone can read this, I want to apologize for treating DS like my own personal debate parlor over the past couple of weeks. I understand now that you guys don't come here for that sort of thing. It wasn't cool for me to stir up an argument in each and every article that even obliquely expresses an opinion.

Finally, Mexico found an opponent for whom their usual strategy of "phone it in and see what happens" actually worked! And just in time for the World Cup, no less!


Are you like, bipolar or something? Your temperament seems to just vary wildly.

In a way, I'm sorry that I brought it up, but 1)those 100 wins were not individual records and the players for those Penn State teams were not complicit in the Sandusky scandal, and 2)Penn State having won those games had absolutely nothing to do with Sandusky diddling kids, and vacating them did absolutely nothing

A fair point. My counter-argument would be that it's not like Mark McGwire or Barry Bonds took steroids once or twice and stopped. They took it for considerable lengths of time, and achieved many of the records that are used as an argument for their deserving to be in the hall while on PEDs. If they weren't banished,

Except I started noticing, like, two days ago, that all of a sudden I didn't have to wait for approval before my posts started getting pulled out of the grey, when I had already pretty well established what my shtick is. I have no idea what the mechanism for this is, except that all of a sudden it stopped when I

2. Right. Sorry I put words into your mouth. But first of all, not getting into the Hall is not the same as a "death sentence," and furthermore, if anything at all in the sports world disqualified someone from being immortalized with a bronze bust of their head prominently displayed in a public space that hundreds of

Wow, what a great argument. I'm glad that you can argue this point with a level head, and not just be completely dismissive of an opinion that most of America agrees with. Only 9% of America actually ascribes to the idea that PED use doesn't matter (rising to 38% when we include people who say that it matters to them

The issue of whether baseball players who cheat should be elected to the Hall has fuck all to do with ascribing "moral failings" to them. Saying that PED use is cheating and that they cheated and that therefore they do not belong in the hall of fame is a completely different argument than saying that said cheating was