
Yeah, pretty much.

And the Bolsheviks, Rosa Luxemburg et al were not "actual people that have not just read the Marxist tradition but tried to enact it?" There are a hundred and fifty years of history here that you are just completely ignoring in favor of one of what seems like hundreds of small Bay Area groups that claim to have

Also, to argue that we should postpone socialism until we have so thoroughly carried out the bourgeois revolution that there is no section of society, as defined along ethnic lines, gender lines, or whatever, that is discriminated against, is the worst form of stage-ism. Sure, let's wait a few decades, maybe a century

Do it. I will give you all of the recommendations.

Welp, I've been outed.

I...Jesus, why am I doing this to myself? Now Gawker is essentially arguing that people that are upset that their insurance plans are being discontinued and that they are being forced to buy more expensive plans are selfish pricks who, left to their own devices, would have driven up prices for everyone else, and that

This was a stupid m***********g joke.

I know that the whole middle east is in upheaval, and that its horrible, and the scale of human tragedy is immense... but this kid has GORGEOUS eyes. Those LASHES. The perfect shape. The golden honey color. Ugh. The pretty is killing me.

This is the best piece of audience-hostile performance art I've ever seen.

It's actually Chinese sign language for "Someone please help me, my balls are so very swollen that I fear that gravity may pull them from my body."

Man, I caught this game on CCTV 5, but it sort of got out of hand, so I changed it to CCTV 1 and caught a pretty informative news piece about these protesting villagers in Xinjiang A.R. and how they were American sleeper agents conspiring against to drive a wedge between the people and their party.

Oh man, that one episode where they cosplayed as Star Trek characters and then got themselves into ribald situations was just the WACKIEST

Now playing

I'd be remiss if I didn't post this comment:

LOL dude do u rely thick tat Partyats r rely dat dum, git a glue DUMAS

I hope that when enough women are in these positions (so it's not just the Marissa Mayers of the world), we may see a shift in the attention to women-specific concerns. As a woman being judged by men, I may pay short shrift to these concerns; as a woman on equal footing with men and women, I may feel more inclined to

I have hope that the increase of women CEOs will lead to some positive change for all women in the workplace.

Right. It's a problem for better-off women. I hope I'm not giving the impression that I think that the glass ceiling is of no consequence whatsoever, I just think it's a matter of priorities. For every ten articles about the glass ceiling and challenges facing female executives or women in politics or whatever, I'll

Just so we're clear, if I accuse you of being a Nazi, will you start ironically goose-stepping and spouting shit about eugenics and "Judeo-Bolshevism?"

I'm just shadowing you so I can learn my trade. Think of me as an apprentice, except you have no choice in the matter.