
What, exactly, is a "middle-class" development?

It actually is wired with dynamite that is set to go off in 2027. In addition to the added efficiencies, it doubles as a bargaining chip!

Okay, so you're the former and not the latter. Thanks for clearing that up.

Well, the point is that women in CEO positions are not going to give one iota of a shit about the livelihoods of the women workers in their employ, because they are CEOs, and if anything, if they are good CEOs, they will even see things such as the disparity in pay grades between women and men as an opportunity to

Holy shit, I'm giving you +1 because this is the most obtuse thing I have ever read, anywhere. I hope for your sake that you are actually the greatest troll in the universe, and not someone who thinks that he has latent powers of inference that grant him the ability to see things others miss, just like that one fake

I don't think so. Then I'd be fucked!

To be fair, that middle one is a pretty good description of 100% of Gawker writers, so it's pretty impressive that 20% of the commenters are half-decent.

Oh indeed, I would posit that all racists are assholes, but it's possible that not every single a-hole is racist.

And, of course, it's in the grey here.

To pre-empt some points that I am sure are in a lot of people's minds as they read this: a little thought experiment. Consider a woman working on the GM assembly line at an auto plant in Detroit. Do you honestly think that her life would any better if the CEO and major stockholders of GM were women? Or, for that

Wow, what a level-headed, thoughtful article that confronts the points that were actually said.

Big deal. Patrick Roy did this after each and every one of his kid's wins in major junior hockey. Now, I'm sure that some of you pedants will come in here and say that pelvic thrusting while flipping off opposing fans with both hands does not constitute "dancing," but that's really a side issue.

"And for my next trick, I will destroy the formatting of an entire webpage!"

I told myself that I wasn't going to get involved in this, but this kind of pushed me over the edge.

What the hell are you talking about?

Yeah, he got a perfect "funny touchdown dance" score.

You haven't heard Bobby Hebert after every Saints game, I take it. They hold the pre and postgame shows at a bar and Hebert is slurring words and forgetting who played by the end.

Smearing your shorts doesn't count, though. The shit has to actually come out for it to be a shit at all. Thus, small shits can't be logs that one can "turtle," almost by definition; they have to be wet and a little runny. I will, however, concede that sharting is but one of many flavors of shitting one's pants.

Doesn't count, you made the jokes yourself.

No, I said I was gonna do it next time.