
I’m sorry.


Haha, thanks. I feel like a fool most days for believing it.

Yes, but it’s more magical realism than fantasy, if you don’t mind. I really, really recommend “100 Years of Solitude” and based on your response below on why you enjoy GRRM’s characterizations I really think you will enjoy this novel. It is a different flavor from “A Song of Fire and Ice” but it is fantastical,

Huh. Well I appreciate you being the kind of reader that is open to human beings who are so flawed. Makes me think that you are an overall accepting person who doesn’t approach the world in a black and white way. Cheer to that.

I’m sort of dying to know what you are all working on...

Agreed. Fans’ attention spans are short. Throw in a couple more rape scenes at the beginning of the long hiatus and everyone will be more than satisfied.

Huzzah! I’m sure the pay would be slightly not awful and it would be great until the siege warfare and that moment where your head gets cut off!

Exactly. Realism should include humans attempting to be better in the face of darkness and hopelessness.

Why, that’s interesting? Can you expand?

So he raped her?

You seem like you would be a level headed king. I would vote for you.

Care to elaborate on the humanity part?

“Few authors have as much power to draw you in with fun characters and thrilling adventures”

To be fair she’s pretty adorable in both pics.

Says the angry Scotsman. Shut up and sit down. It’s about nuance in image sometimes (something advertisers know all about) and not about taking offense to everything. She’s got a legit point.

Kids are sexual creatures, too and they don’t live in a void. The atmosphere is clearly sexual and they’ll get it. I got sex references when I was a child. The kids in your life do, too. Even if they can’t explain what they are as articulately as you did in your quote, they feel it.

I hate people who stiff wait staff but I just wanted to say that for some reason the N’Sync story made me laugh.

Why the fuck would anyone practically put themselves through CIA clearance just to get to MJ? :/