
You are so weirdly aggressive.

why did i come here.

Where is your evidence of anyone anywhere in literature or history of the halls of universities celebrating the Romans or Greeks for pederasty*?

You say a lot of awesome things but you seem to contradict yourself a lot and you also sound really angry about people wanting to have a dialogue about it?

I agree, I agree, I AGREE, idk, idk, my mind is really confusing me right now and I am really glad that you said this. I really am.


You sound like Humbert Humbert when he told the readers that Lolita was the one to blame because he wasn’t even her first.

Exactly. That’s what I don’t get. I adore David Bowie. Adore him. I love his music. Adore him in Labyrinth, Twin Peaks. And this story about sex with a 13 year old really strikes me. But I find myself actually doing mental gymnastics to find a place in my mind to “move past it”. I look to the “victim’s” pass of his

I’m wondering what your thoughts on it are and why you seem so ready to move on from it. It’s a good dialogue to have.

But what do you think? I’m super curious. Especially since you’re in the business.

He looks really good in the movie trailers...really weird in these photos? I am so confused.

Look how normal and dare I say, attractive, these folds look in this picture. Why would anyone bother ever touching them? :/

This is blowing my mind and making me sad and angry and naive at the same time.

Your name. I imagine you as a hulking monster, standing in the hallway or foyer as the children run in with shiny bright, hopeful eyes and rosy cheeks. Their voices breathless after a day slaving away as cogs under the machine. “WHERE’S YOUR HOMEWORK” they hear. They freeze and their little hands, so tiny, dig into

You got this, boo.

What are you writing?

Can you give more advice? About writing? Moar?