I’m going to bet any and all of that “celebrating” was done and written by older men trying to justify pulling the same shit later on.
I’m going to bet any and all of that “celebrating” was done and written by older men trying to justify pulling the same shit later on.
Generally you cannot take a minor (under 18) across state lines for sexual purposes. Most states have that scenario covered under human trafficking laws. Even if it is legal to have sex with your 15 or 16 year old lover 100 yards away and not where you are, you cannot get away with that loophole.
I don’t think anyone is laboring under the delusion that something can be done about it other than state whether they think Bowie is or is not a rapist. He’s dead, and the time for any prosecution of any crime he might have committed is long since past. But this incident certainly potentially opens a dialog on a…
I think it’s gross and I have no respect for any person who did this.
She did not consent at 14 and they stayed up talking and did not have sex. 5 months later, when she was 15, she did consent and they had sex. It is not a huge difference, but it is a difference.
Steven Tyler is the reason some artists should die young. Can't stand that song or anything he has done in the last 30 years.
i mostly see a “it was the times!!” excuse. which makes me feel bad for all victims of sexual assault before, what? 1985? like theirs doesnt count
It is easy to denounce the part Bowie played in this, even with any number of purportedly mitigating factors: the political context, Maddox’s story, the fact that he lived with generosity and openness, the less generous fact that his synapses were perpetually blitzed with cocaine.
just say youre ok giving bowie a pass because you consider him a ‘real artist’, unlike other child rapsists. JFC. I miss old jezebel.
I loved Bowie’s music, but a 14 year old can’t legally consent. He’s a rapist whether she liked the experience or not.
As a rock musician, I see and hear people defend this behavior all the time. A lot of people’s favorite musicians were boning children, and nobody likes to say how fucked up it was. Look at Steven Tyler! People are still shocked when I tell them the crazy shit he did. You’d think everyone would know by now, but they’d…
Short Answer: Commenters will say whatever they want based on how enamored they are with the star. If they like him, they will make excuses or tell you about how things were different back then. If they don’t, they will tell you about how horrible it is that people get away with this stuff. Bowie is in the “People…
I thought this was very well written, thank you.
Last Friday I had four Six Point Resin double IPAs and an order of naan and rogan josh from the nearby Indian joint.
Why is there a tiny angry baby in your burrito? ;-)
My house used to belong to my aunt, who sponge-painted the bathroom back when that was the trendy thing to do. There is a section of wall where all I see is dicks, multi-colored phalluses everywhere. My husband has confirmed this, so at least I’m not alone.
Had a problem just like this once at my old job. Dude just wouldn't stop making his funny funny rape jokes and retard jokes and dumb blonde jokes. When I told him I found those jokes upsetting and could he please stop, I also got the 'you're just sensitive' and 'why are you attacking me, nobody else gets offended'…
Make your boss aware of the situation, and ask your boss to make this dude's boss aware of it as well. Review your company's sexual harassment policies and talk to HR to find out what lines you can draw. Being informed might make you feel more powerful: instead of cringing while you wait to hear what awful thing he…