
Please, please ignore that guy. He is seriously just baiting posters into responding to his absurd and idiotic posts. Your responses are way to sensible to be wasted on him.

It’s been decades of the complete opposite. Does it really matter if a handful of posters on the internet come together to do something different outside of the court of law?

::raises hand sheepishly:: May I view this as well for appropriateness?

Public opinion on gawker is in no way a conviction.

And she may have a contractual obligation to display them on her social media for sales even after coming out with this accusation.

I see so many of you posters in so many other articles. It is stunning me, leaving me speechless, at how many of you are survivors. I know the statistics, but when I hear women (and men) come out and say “ I am a survivor” it still never ceases to amaze me just how many people around us (internet known and in day to

The majority of rape in the West is perpetrated by people the victim knows.

That is a really terribly written interview.

That should never have happened to you. The BDSM community prides itself on being a community of safety and consent and it’s disgusting that it failed you. I’m not surprised but disappointed that yet again another community let down a woman who voiced her story.

Thanks for that. Decrease chances of STI or pregnancy by adding something along to condoms like birth control, spermicide, etc. For all those youngin’s reading who still have the energy to roll about. ::wheezes::

That awkward moment when Petyr Baelish is the only guy not raping people...

If that person decides to press charges it can certainly be...

But many actresses feel that if they say they don’t want to continue with a scene or don’t like something going on they will not get paid for the entire shoot. Much of what goes on in these Kink vids are not scripted but up to Deen to just carry out spur of the moment and may feel very out of the blue for the actress,

But a dude doesn’t call *himself* a women...that person feels intrinsically that she is a

What is your point? And how is this the only thing you have to respond to in that entire post? You have nothing of value to add to anything. Good bye.

Why are you so desperately holding onto this opinion? They did not handle it any differently than Subway or the sports world. They let him go only after they could no longer hang onto him any more, probably because of the fear of a looming nasty lawsuit as he’s done things to performers in front of witnesses and those

But people who rape aren’t monsters. They are people who willingly make the choice. This is a really odd way to go about thinking about this issue. I wonder if educating yourself a little more about this issue would go a long way. You are coming off as incredibly trite in your discussion, even if you don’t intend it.

This comment interests me and I feel like a perv for it.

Do you really have 8 bunnies?

Fucking preach it.