

And new and young fresh female talent comes along every day. Women are freely disposable in pornography and any complaints are seen as troublesome.

They aren’t. You should be more questioning about things. Don’t give them so much credit.

Tell us more about this open consent by just being there. Tell us more about this open consent to a woman’s body because she is just there in the same room with these other men. Please. Do share. Did the open consent fairy say so? So a women with a contract comes into the KINK.COM offices, films a scene, takes a

You make shit analogies.

Uuuuhhhh ohhhh, RIP your inbox/notifications....

Your suspicions are correct since they waited until women are outright telling their stories of rape to let him go. This is just about money and lawsuits, which is fine, they’re a business. But it’s not about safety or ethics involving their female talent. There will always be naive and new talent that comes along. I

No, they did not handle this well at all. Do not imply this. It’s not an either or situation. Both industries are atrocious when it comes to handling allegations of abuse.

Quite frankly I’m surprised. There’s no shortage of women in the pornography industry. I’m hoping this means that there is a change in the industry, especially as there have been more and more women who have been vocal about how things work behind the scenes.

Do you have a link? I can’t find it...