As an avid Texans fan, please yes.
As an avid Texans fan, please yes.
Big Gay Al approves.
Plex+NZBDrone+CouchPotato yo.
He went full Austin Rivers, never go full Austin Rivers.
“You set me up Ernie!”
My wife looks great in her maxi dresses...but then, what do I know?
To be fair, Renner did say that if Conan or Stark did the same thing, they would be sluts. As AoU showed us, Hawkeye is a warmhearted family man!
Why is it sad that they’ll sell millions of them? Why do you hate capitalism?
Two totally different programs as far as your focus. If I’m doing a portrait shoot where I’m delivering 10 images then I do those in Photoshop, but if I’m shooting a wedding and have several thousand to go through, it is much easier and quicker to use Lightroom.
The things that keep my brother and I playing Battlefront II all these years later are now gone from this new version. Space battles were borderline perfect in 2. The choice between landing on your enemy’s carrier or trying to pick them apart ship-to-ship kept it fresh and exciting and a nail biter. Galactic Conquest…
*psst* you don’t have to play Bloodborne, you can play any game!
Huffington Post is reporting that her daughter's boyfriend was 16, Lehnardt thought it was the 18 year old from early in the night and actually woke up to him having sex with her.
There are certain situations that you are required to report to police, including (but not limited to) abuse of elders or minors. This was the latter and therefore overrides the "anonymous" part of AA.
Glad to see therapy and mental health in general start to shake the negative stigma that has prevailed for many years. The idea that self awareness and understanding what makes you tick is somehow a weakness or a waste of time is just ridiculous.
But we also live in a world where you can 3D print weapons and optical technology breakthroughs are happening every year. While wingsuit/gliders might not have immediate practicality, why not continue to research and invest in the technology so that as your other tech gets smaller and lighter, your suits become more…
Skinny RIGHT hand, bigger LEFT hand.
Yet another example of how poorly NFL girlfriends are treated.
Big Baby runs and jumps on top of Rivers.
Or maybe they did and we'll never get a chance to know just how great they really could have been O.O
it went okay.